The end of the year is approaching quickly.
I'm happy that I could spend the end of the year, with my loved family.
I'm wondering how I spend 2009?
There are a lot of wonderful memories, happiness and sufferings. Acutually, everything is invaluable experience for me.
I wouldn't trade this year for anything.
Well, 2010 is coming soon!
I'm going to brace myself in 2010.
And, I hope that the New Year finds you in good health.
On December 6th, Good Degign Award 2009 has been determined.
I've excited about a lot of good quality products with a tasteful design.
I've excited about a lot of good quality products with a tasteful design.
This is the best 15 products of "good design award 2009"

They are clearly out of the ordinary.
Purpose of Good Design AwardsDesign leads to the creation of superior objects and conceptual embodiments. By addressing the environments that encircle our lives, design drives our own development and leads to a stronger and sounder society.Inheriting the Good Design Product Selection Program instituted in 1957 by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, the Good Design Awards constitute a comprehensive, globally unmatched program of evaluating and advocating design in terms of its history and scale.Following on the success of over a half-century, the 2009 Good Design Awards seek the attainment of richly sustainable and prosperous living, industry, and society through scrupulously fair judging-grounded in humanita
rian love-from perspectives of innovating lifestyle values, social values, and cultural values.

Some are very stylish disign, some are functionality superior.
This is one of 2009 awarded products. It's a plastic wrap, it has a really lot of ideas, the prevention of clinging, a paper edge, a marked for pushing point, intelligible explanation etc. Great!
Well, when I checked products, I saw the universal design products.
I'm also interested in it, but I didn't know the difference between them.
The Principles of Universal Design
"The authors, a working group of architects, product designers, engineers and environmental design researchers, collaborated to establish the following Principles of Universal Design to guide a wide range of design disciplines including environments, products, and communications."
The Principles of Universal Design
"The authors, a working group of architects, product designers, engineers and environmental design researchers, collaborated to establish the following Principles of Universal Design to guide a wide range of design disciplines including environments, products, and communications."
3 Simple and intuitive
4 Perceptible information
5 Tolerance for error
6 Low physical effort
7 Size and space for approach and use
(from Center for Universal Design)
I've found out that Universal design is a movement as a study, and Good design is a commercial activity on purpose. Good design would grow in value by ensuring products quality, by the trusted institution.
This award would boost companies awareness of the design, and as a result, added up to offer a broader designs and enrich the quality of products.
Obtain a good price for fashionable designs. I'm convinced that Japanese design already rise to a world-class level.
However, I have a comment on it.
This website is the products of 2009 year awarded.
A good many products are selected every year, the total of awarded products is over 35,000!
It's too much. I'm afraid that it might loose the meaning of winning the award. I hope Good Design can keep the quality of the award.
ヘヴン(Heaven) by Mieko Kawakami

The lead character, he is a junior high school boy who has been suffering from bullied.
One day he's gotten one letter, marked "we are family". And he gets some further letters. Letters come from Kojima who is a classmate, she has been also suffring from bullied. Kojima is dressed in shabby clothes on purpose. She identifies her dirty as a sign. He has cross-eye, and he feels inferior by it. She also identify his cross-eye as a sign, it's her bastions.
They can do nothing but follow the serious violence and bullying.
Kojima says about it," we enduring hardship are the justice. Everything consists of the results. There is no right and wrong"
And then, a dedicate friendship grows between them.
However, the consequence was so tragic.
But I didn't feel it by many beautiful and poetic sentences.
It is plain and poetic writing and I've finished to read about 2 hours.
After reading,I've felt bullying and bitter of living about "ヘヴン".
In fact, I've never experienced bullying during school days, but after becoming teacher, I'd sometimes faced the difficulty of bullying.
I think bullying is a social issue. Bully also feel unpeaceful mind. Student's problems mirror the problems of adult society.
And, bitter of living!
When I was a student, I've never thought about such a thing"bitter of living".
If I thought about it, I would fall in the ground swell. Do they really feel like this?
Probably, they have a low self-esteem by bullying.
What am I supported to them? How heal the hurt mind?
They can do nothing but live as holding pain.
Let me know the good way.
Swine flue outbreak
Now in Shikokutyuuou city, Ehime Prefecture, in Japan, we are facing Swine flue outbreak.
Suddenly, leaded to widespread infection among students.
We, teachers are pressed for small jobs, like the communication with the absentees and the prevention of spread and change of teaching schedule and stop for shool lunch.
We have been working to prevent the spread of the flue since summer.
I feel imponent in front of the strong infection of swine flue.
Some grades are closed for a whole one week, and siblings of patients are not allowed to go to school. And, students and teachers are encouraged to obey strict rules.
For example
1 throughness of hand-wash and gargle.
at the arriving at school
after meeting and cleaning
at the coming back from outdoor
before school lunch
2 check students temperature in every morning.
3 wear a mask all day.
4 spacing of student's sheats.
5 form front-facing seat and eat school lunch in silence.
6 ban on meetings and singing and group activities
7 cut of the events, like a flea market by students
8 change of musical concert
There is a lot of lot of rules. We have to drive students home to do these rules.
I feel pressed from the severe crisis management.
If children have a fever, we immediately call up their mother.
They can't work. Previously, swine flue will strangle the economy because it will disrupt people to work. The economic costs of swine flue in the world would be many times higher than previous estimates.
And now, a lot of parents rush in hospitals, even if child's symptoms isn't severe, because of the fear from the imformations to become severe. As listenning the swine flue news, I'm getting to feel that swine flue is a life-threatening disease.
I'm convinced that hospitals would be crowded severely.
Besides the goverment often significantly alert priority list of the vactination with influenza vaccine. Medical institutions are running short of influenza vaccine. I feel really sorry for them.
People say,"Humans don't have immunity against a new flue.But Fortunately, almost students already recovery from symptoms. It's not severe.
Some people's immune systems are strong enough to stop the virus from replicating. And not all people who have a virus become ill, some are only carriers.
Originally, virus can live by the host of virus, so if the host died, the virus would die too. The virus should create a mechanism not to kill the host. I think that it is necessary to find out the cause to become severe.
After all, now I just be powerless in the new disease outbreak.
I should take care of myself.
For now, I want to boost the immune system's ability to fight infections.
I try to care my lifestyle habit, good foods and healthy lifestyle.
For foods, taking mushroom and yogurt and green and yellow vegetables.
And try stress free.
Suddenly, leaded to widespread infection among students.
We, teachers are pressed for small jobs, like the communication with the absentees and the prevention of spread and change of teaching schedule and stop for shool lunch.
We have been working to prevent the spread of the flue since summer.
I feel imponent in front of the strong infection of swine flue.
Some grades are closed for a whole one week, and siblings of patients are not allowed to go to school. And, students and teachers are encouraged to obey strict rules.
For example
1 throughness of hand-wash and gargle.
at the arriving at school
after meeting and cleaning
at the coming back from outdoor
before school lunch
2 check students temperature in every morning.
3 wear a mask all day.
4 spacing of student's sheats.
5 form front-facing seat and eat school lunch in silence.
6 ban on meetings and singing and group activities
7 cut of the events, like a flea market by students
8 change of musical concert
There is a lot of lot of rules. We have to drive students home to do these rules.
I feel pressed from the severe crisis management.
If children have a fever, we immediately call up their mother.
They can't work. Previously, swine flue will strangle the economy because it will disrupt people to work. The economic costs of swine flue in the world would be many times higher than previous estimates.
And now, a lot of parents rush in hospitals, even if child's symptoms isn't severe, because of the fear from the imformations to become severe. As listenning the swine flue news, I'm getting to feel that swine flue is a life-threatening disease.
I'm convinced that hospitals would be crowded severely.
Besides the goverment often significantly alert priority list of the vactination with influenza vaccine. Medical institutions are running short of influenza vaccine. I feel really sorry for them.
People say,"Humans don't have immunity against a new flue.But Fortunately, almost students already recovery from symptoms. It's not severe.
Some people's immune systems are strong enough to stop the virus from replicating. And not all people who have a virus become ill, some are only carriers.
Originally, virus can live by the host of virus, so if the host died, the virus would die too. The virus should create a mechanism not to kill the host. I think that it is necessary to find out the cause to become severe.

After all, now I just be powerless in the new disease outbreak.
I should take care of myself.
For now, I want to boost the immune system's ability to fight infections.
I try to care my lifestyle habit, good foods and healthy lifestyle.
For foods, taking mushroom and yogurt and green and yellow vegetables.
And try stress free.
Mister donuts

I ran smack into an English classmate at the book store. These days I have some accidental meetings like a charm. I've felt a curious connection as a friend.
After that, I went to Mister donuts.Mister donuts is one of donuts chain shops in Japan, and it's my favorite place.
When I lived in Matsuyama, I went to there at Saturday morning to eat a donut in lieu of breakfast. After coming back Shikokutyuou city, I can't go to there like Matsuyama, because it's located far from my home. And so now, I sometimes go to there at Friday night.
To tell the truth, I don't like eat donuts, but there are times when I get intense carving for going to there, like addiction.
As taking a rest at there, I feel really relaxed. Maybe, Mister donuts reminds me of good memories. And some how, I come up with good concepts.
Just now, Mister donuts was having 100Yen sale, every donut is only100 Yen. Usually, one donut is 120~130Yen and a cup of coffee is 298 Yen, But now, even a cup of coffee is just 200 Yen. In addition, new release donuts are very soft and raisen dough, they are cutting indegreeents for cutting costs.
I've found a sign that the deflation rate is increasing.
Recently, I'm offen impressed with the efforts of company to reduce price. How do they make the price includes all the costs?
Now, business is slow, and then the salary go down, and then business is more slow down.
We're going into a deflationary spiral. Not only Companies but retail shops, all commerce would be dumped into the dustbin by the severe cost competition.
In the end, we might get good services, high quality and low price, but we should recognize that they involve a lot of sacrifices.
Go on a stationery shop
I think that today's Japnanese stationery shop is no only selling place stationery goo
ds, but like an amusement park. They are stuffing the elements of play.
Today, I visited on my favorite stationary shop"BUNRAKU", is located near JUSCO KAWANOE.
It's small shop but display products very organized and deal with hot-selling products.
Japanese stationeries are evolving to polarization.
One is more detail and specialized. Todat, I got a diary of 2010. It has beautiful decolations on its cover and inner, very fancy and pretty.
I fall in love with it.
The other is more simple and practical. Almost of them are for business person.
My favorite exploration in BUNRAKU is to find eco friendly goods!
I can find something new eco friendly-products every visiting.
Today I got a red oil pen and a refill.
Recently, there are a lot of refills even for highlighter pen.
I want to support such a company which creating eco-friendly products.2009年11月1日日曜日
Sleepiness and insomnia
This weekend I was very sleepy all days.
During last week I had been staying up lately, by 1 am and waking up at 4 or 5 am, to make a teaching plan on Dec 30.
I was doing well even the shortage of sleeping time.
But this weekend, when I woke up at 6 am on Saturday, I felt a little fatigue and sleepy and it continued all day. So, Saturday night I went to bed more early and woke up at 6 am on Sunday morninig, and then, I felt fatigue again, besides it was more strong.
I was wondering why I've felt exhausted, even if I took enough rest.
One reason is that there is the missunderstanding of my biological clock by the irregular rhythm of life.
Making the rhythm of life into habit, our body make up a kind of a movement. The movement would drive smothly by the regular rhythm. In the other hand, it would confuse by the irregular rhythm. I guess, especially it would be connected to the wake-up switch.
The second is that the lightness is getting weak.
I've heard that sun could reset our body clock. Surely I often feel cloudy day. And recently, I've noticed some children have seasonal affected disorder. Eyes are sensitive acceptor. So, we might be infuenced by lightness as I thought.
The third is that today's temperature is comfortable for sleep. I think that there is sleep- inducing temperture.
The forth is that moderate fatigue cause drowsiness.
After all, I've found a lot of causes.
The other way, these ways would have good effects on the prevention of insomnia.
During last week I had been staying up lately, by 1 am and waking up at 4 or 5 am, to make a teaching plan on Dec 30.
I was doing well even the shortage of sleeping time.
But this weekend, when I woke up at 6 am on Saturday, I felt a little fatigue and sleepy and it continued all day. So, Saturday night I went to bed more early and woke up at 6 am on Sunday morninig, and then, I felt fatigue again, besides it was more strong.
I was wondering why I've felt exhausted, even if I took enough rest.
One reason is that there is the missunderstanding of my biological clock by the irregular rhythm of life.
Making the rhythm of life into habit, our body make up a kind of a movement. The movement would drive smothly by the regular rhythm. In the other hand, it would confuse by the irregular rhythm. I guess, especially it would be connected to the wake-up switch.
The second is that the lightness is getting weak.
I've heard that sun could reset our body clock. Surely I often feel cloudy day. And recently, I've noticed some children have seasonal affected disorder. Eyes are sensitive acceptor. So, we might be infuenced by lightness as I thought.
The third is that today's temperature is comfortable for sleep. I think that there is sleep- inducing temperture.
The forth is that moderate fatigue cause drowsiness.
After all, I've found a lot of causes.
The other way, these ways would have good effects on the prevention of insomnia.
But thesedays, I don't eat much chocorates for my stomach, so just now I'm trying to find my new favorite snack!
Today I ate yogurt with blueberry sause after dinner.
Yogurt contains much protein and calcium and bifidus.
It's low fat and healthy snack.
If you add some fruit's sause, that's calorie is under 100 kcal(per 100g).
People say, "Fruit and yogurt for breakfast is good." But recently I've noticed that bowel movements becomes smoother when I eat yogurt at night more than morning.
Surely, good bacterial might grow in the intestine during night.
But then, I like a western-style breakfast, so it might be difficult to make eating yogurt at night into a habit.
Next, it's a matter of taste.
Halloween Party
It was designed by new maneger for new English teacher, Josh.
One requirement was that dressed up for Halloween.
After thinking, I dressed as a pumpkin, plant's image, to wear a smoky yellow knit of mohair yarm. I made a light dark knit hat and a pumpkin bag. I just wanted to give thanks to Josh's professional mind.
The party was so nice as I thought. Josh prepared some games for us. I had a great time.
In the truth, from my indrawn character, I really don't like to attend these parties.
But I wanted to know how people were learning English.
Recently, I feel it's very hard to keep my motivation for English because of my busy days.
Participants ranged to variety careers, company's employee and doctor and cram school teacher. Almost of them told me that they needed English for their job. That was different than me.
I wished to make English friends to keep my motivation.
But I wouldn't solve my business by this party.
And, I'd whined a bit about my worry which I started to wonder what I'm working for, at the party. And then, one participant said to me, "you should quit, a lot of people wished to become a teacher."
Exactly, I've realized, now I have nothing to depend on and I am being easily swayed
I should build up my identity and recognize for what purpose I do.
Well, I came back near the midnight after a long time ago, my mother got angry very much!
At that time, I remembered that my mother had almost called the police, whenI didn't come home by midnight.
At that time, I remembered that my mother had almost called the police, whenI didn't come home by midnight.
An Inconvenient Truth

Fortunately, I'd done efficient a huge amount of jobs, so I could go to my favorite library in Mishima before noon.
Usually, I go to the library every Saturday. I picked up some magagines. Now, there are a lot of events in Novem, I have to prepare that I would be busy as a bee. My stomach might get worse(_).
Well, in the library, I found one DVD, it's "An Inconvenient Truth". I've missed the time I watched it with Sophia, and, I borrowed it.
I watched twice, and I've noticed that my impression changed a little.
Before I was moved by his contribution which spread "global warming" throughout US.
This time, I was impressed by his due consideration. It is like his autobiograhy. What curious me is the beautiful narration and effective projections, encouraged the beautifulication.
However, it is surely that this film imspired American to do push the eco movement.
Of course I do a lot of eco activities. Next time I would like to introduce my movement!
After that
Today I took a gastric camera at Shikokutyuou hospital.
Though it's getting to small by the tecnological progress, it was a hard work for me as I thought.
After all, my doc found a gastritis in my stomach, so I have to continue to take medicines more 1 month.
The result of a gastric camera was out of mind, because, some how I was convinced I must be well. Maybe, I placed too much trust in my health.
It became a lesson not to place too much trust in my experience.
I know the cause of a gastritis, I have to see other place.
Well, I decided to take part in the Halloween party on 25 by my teacher's eager offer.
One reason, he said "the Japanese teacher would take part in the party."
After all, I decided to go to tha party. Because, in fact, the Japanese teacher is my friend, since my childfood.
After the class, I send an email to her about the halloween party.
She replyed me today.
"I didn't take part in the party, recently I quited the job. because my mother in law became a pancreas cancer. How was the new teacher?"
I've fallen short of expectations.
Oh, no! I have to speak with new people! And then, I have to think for my costume.
Though it's getting to small by the tecnological progress, it was a hard work for me as I thought.
After all, my doc found a gastritis in my stomach, so I have to continue to take medicines more 1 month.
The result of a gastric camera was out of mind, because, some how I was convinced I must be well. Maybe, I placed too much trust in my health.
It became a lesson not to place too much trust in my experience.
I know the cause of a gastritis, I have to see other place.
Well, I decided to take part in the Halloween party on 25 by my teacher's eager offer.
One reason, he said "the Japanese teacher would take part in the party."
After all, I decided to go to tha party. Because, in fact, the Japanese teacher is my friend, since my childfood.
After the class, I send an email to her about the halloween party.
She replyed me today.
"I didn't take part in the party, recently I quited the job. because my mother in law became a pancreas cancer. How was the new teacher?"
I've fallen short of expectations.
Oh, no! I have to speak with new people! And then, I have to think for my costume.
Udon tour in Kagawa
Today I went to Kagawa Prefecture to eat "Udon".
Udon is a thick wheat-flour noodle, it's one of popular Japanese cuisines.
Udon is a local dishe of Kagawa, because Kagawa has been dry wheather, so people have been cultivating wheat, and Kagawa is faced on the sea, so it was not hard to get seaweed and fish. And now, there are a lot of small udon chains in Kagawa.
"Great sanuki udon" which is a tour guide book introducing udon shops, the first was published in 1983 and it sparked the Udon tour boom in Japan. And now it's still going on.
Every chain has its own taste, making it fun to try udon at different shops. Udon is usually served hot as noodle soup in a mildly flavoured broth, in its simplest form as kake udon, served in kakejiru made of dashi which is seaweed soup, soy sauce, and mirin.
It is usually topped with thinly chopped scallions and grated ginger.

Other common toppings include tempura, often prawn or kakiage, or abura age, a type of deep-fried tofu pockets seasoned with sugar, mirin, and soy sauce.
Shichimi or sesame can be added to taste.
Today's udon shop is a popular udonshop "Nagata udon", it was still crowded, when we visited there after 3pm. I ordered a small udon boll, it was 250yen. one of my friends ordered the special udon boll which was three times of mine, it was 600 Yen. it was so big.
I liked the soup which was not too strong and weak, good seaweed taste, and udon which was very smooth and felt elastic.
Next time, I would like to go to other udon shop. Any way, I really had fun for eating udon.
Udon is a thick wheat-flour noodle, it's one of popular Japanese cuisines.
Udon is a local dishe of Kagawa, because Kagawa has been dry wheather, so people have been cultivating wheat, and Kagawa is faced on the sea, so it was not hard to get seaweed and fish. And now, there are a lot of small udon chains in Kagawa.
"Great sanuki udon" which is a tour guide book introducing udon shops, the first was published in 1983 and it sparked the Udon tour boom in Japan. And now it's still going on.
Every chain has its own taste, making it fun to try udon at different shops. Udon is usually served hot as noodle soup in a mildly flavoured broth, in its simplest form as kake udon, served in kakejiru made of dashi which is seaweed soup, soy sauce, and mirin.
It is usually topped with thinly chopped scallions and grated ginger.
Other common toppings include tempura, often prawn or kakiage, or abura age, a type of deep-fried tofu pockets seasoned with sugar, mirin, and soy sauce.
Shichimi or sesame can be added to taste.
Today's udon shop is a popular udonshop "Nagata udon", it was still crowded, when we visited there after 3pm. I ordered a small udon boll, it was 250yen. one of my friends ordered the special udon boll which was three times of mine, it was 600 Yen. it was so big.
I liked the soup which was not too strong and weak, good seaweed taste, and udon which was very smooth and felt elastic.
Next time, I would like to go to other udon shop. Any way, I really had fun for eating udon.
"The Setting Sun", "No longer Human" by Osamu Dazai
At first, I read "Syayo"and"Ningenshikkaku".
Shayo (The Setting Sun, 1947) is depicted the decline of the Japanese nobility after World war 2 was published, Shayo made him a star. This work was based on the diary of Shizuko Ōta. Ōta was one of the fans of Dazai's works and first met him in about 1941. She bore him a daughter Haruko in 1947.
I feel offended after reading. this novel also was depicted a part of his life. As a result, he used her as a means to write the novel. His behaivior seems to be brutally self-indulgence.
Ningen Shikkaku ( No Longer Human, 1948)was also his quasi autobiography.
He completely abandoned his wife and children, and in the end drown himself with the other woman.
Ningen Shikkaku deals with a character headlong towards self-destruction.
I felt that this novel looked his scream which is suffering from isolation and low self-esteem.
He sold off in pieces of his life every time he wrote a novel. I think, he wanted to be recognized his existence by the people. But, even if he is an alcoholic and depression, it was morally unforgivable acts.
Any way, the book is one of the classics of Japanese literature, the masterpiece is difficult to comprehend by ordinary people, like me. I'm not his wife. I shold do what I want.
Shayo (The Setting Sun, 1947) is depicted the decline of the Japanese nobility after World war 2 was published, Shayo made him a star. This work was based on the diary of Shizuko Ōta. Ōta was one of the fans of Dazai's works and first met him in about 1941. She bore him a daughter Haruko in 1947.
I feel offended after reading. this novel also was depicted a part of his life. As a result, he used her as a means to write the novel. His behaivior seems to be brutally self-indulgence.
Ningen Shikkaku ( No Longer Human, 1948)was also his quasi autobiography.
He completely abandoned his wife and children, and in the end drown himself with the other woman.
Ningen Shikkaku deals with a character headlong towards self-destruction.
I felt that this novel looked his scream which is suffering from isolation and low self-esteem.
He sold off in pieces of his life every time he wrote a novel. I think, he wanted to be recognized his existence by the people. But, even if he is an alcoholic and depression, it was morally unforgivable acts.
Any way, the book is one of the classics of Japanese literature, the masterpiece is difficult to comprehend by ordinary people, like me. I'm not his wife. I shold do what I want.
"Viyon's wife" by Dazai Osamu

Osamu Dazai was a Japanese author who is one of the foremost fiction writers of 20th-century Japan. He is noted for his ironic and gloomy wit, his obsession with suicide.Yasunari Kawabata, Ryuunosuke Akutagawa, Souseki Natsume, and other writers are all internationally famous writer that are products of this era, the late 19th and early 20th century.
As they are tossed about by the" dramatically change in society", and they produced many works that reflected their own new views, which were produced by the change in their sense of values.
For this reason, thier works were recognized as masterpieces.
And, I tryed to read "Viyon's wife"in 1947. It's a very short story, so I could read soon. Well, my impression is that, it's awful!
He depicted a his dissolute life. The narrator is the wife of a poet, who has abandoned her. She takes a job for a tavern keeper from whom her husband has stolen money. Her determination to survive is tested by hardships, rape and her husband's self-delusion, but her will is not broken.I grew depressed thinking of his wife read this novel.She was just trying to accept him the way he is. Strength grows stronger by being tried.When I think about it, it is too much to bear.
Why does he and his novels hold such an attraction for the Japanese?
For one thing, when I read it, somehow I could see a little bit of myself in one character, living under harsh circumstances, of the novel.
Everyone could find out somethig from his life, the self-torturously life.
And, the humor of this novel might be in the contrasting characters "his delusion and weakness, and her honesty and strength. I would like to read other his books.
English class
Today is my English class day.
Usually, I go to an English school, GEOS, every thursday night. GEOS is one of popular English conversation shools in Japan.
English class is still one of my pleasures in my busy days.
I take part in the active conversation class. At first, I just wanted to keep my English level. But recently, I'm getting to look forward to go to there as I thought.
Now, there are a lot of Japanese people who are eager to learn English.
I think that English classes are not useful not only for practicing English conversation, but also for cultural exchange.
Because, I can get interesting views from different professions, and widen my perspectives through being exposed to different values.
Almost my friends are teacher. So, it's precious for me to meet other world.
And I'm impressed by the GEOS's staffs are really high quality.
Now, my English teacher is Josh, he is American, and he has some interesting fields, political science and English teaching.
At the first class, he told us his motivation to live in Japan. Now he is gathering good experiences to be a university. I've never meet such a person vow to walk his way.
Well, we also get good experiences from him.
However, apart from GEOS, there is still no opportunity for me to actually speak English.
No matter how much time goes by, my Enghish won't improve.
I must study English by myself except thursday.
He suggested us to have a hallowin party on October 25, but nobody attends to the party.
I feel really sorry. I want to make English friends enjoy English together.
But now, I'm satisfied I really enjoy English class, even if I can't improve it.
It's important to enjoy myself.
Usually, I go to an English school, GEOS, every thursday night. GEOS is one of popular English conversation shools in Japan.
English class is still one of my pleasures in my busy days.
I take part in the active conversation class. At first, I just wanted to keep my English level. But recently, I'm getting to look forward to go to there as I thought.
Now, there are a lot of Japanese people who are eager to learn English.
I think that English classes are not useful not only for practicing English conversation, but also for cultural exchange.
Because, I can get interesting views from different professions, and widen my perspectives through being exposed to different values.
Almost my friends are teacher. So, it's precious for me to meet other world.
And I'm impressed by the GEOS's staffs are really high quality.
Now, my English teacher is Josh, he is American, and he has some interesting fields, political science and English teaching.
At the first class, he told us his motivation to live in Japan. Now he is gathering good experiences to be a university. I've never meet such a person vow to walk his way.
Well, we also get good experiences from him.
However, apart from GEOS, there is still no opportunity for me to actually speak English.
No matter how much time goes by, my Enghish won't improve.
I must study English by myself except thursday.
He suggested us to have a hallowin party on October 25, but nobody attends to the party.
I feel really sorry. I want to make English friends enjoy English together.
But now, I'm satisfied I really enjoy English class, even if I can't improve it.
It's important to enjoy myself.
Oriental zodiac

Oriental zodiac is an old Japanese calender which is based on Chinese signs of the zodiac.
The zodiac signs were introduced in Japan in the 6 century.
There are12 animals in the zodiac, mouse, cattle, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, bird, dog, wild boar. The animal zodiac operates on a 12-year cycle.
Many Japanese still believe people's characters and fates are determined by the animal sign of their birth.
Each of the zodiac animals have its own distinct characteristics, which people bor
Well, next year's animal is a tiger.
Getting back to what I was saying, one shrine was preparing unique tiger fortunes which front paws rasing to invite peace and happy, they look really like "manekineko."
A maneki neko is the decorative figure of a seated cat, with one of its front paws raised to invite people in.Items that invite good fortune, such as daruma and maneki neko, are called "engimono".
I also hope bring me good luck.
I'm also looking forward to see Yuiko who is my niece, and she is 3 years old and my love.
I'was surprised by his children who were polite and endearing gesture, and impressed by my brother and his wife who worked together.
We talked about our recent lives, and he advised me about my work.
"You should think your workbalance. Teacher's salary is very low, you just should do worth of your salary, so you shouldn't spend such a hard life."
I really know about it.
Recently, I've been weary from much working.
Usually, I'm in school, from7am to 8pm. After having dinner, I get redy for the next day's class for 2hours. There are 5 or 6classes everyday. And, I take charge of school library, I have to manage it and books. Even if I go to school on Saturday, I can't see the end.
Besides, I work to improve some student's problem behavior. I'm thinking about students on a 24-hour basis.
In addition, I'm single. Everyone knows I can work hardly.
The harder I do my best, the easier much work will come. And As getting years, I might get to notice to details.
Sometimes, my chief told me thanks. Maybe, I must do to chief's area.
Well, I have to learn to say "no."
Now, it is all about my work. I should reduce work to 40%, at least 50%.
And then, I would afford to think myself.
During 3day holiday's I sticked to think about cooking, I could feel nonworking mother's feeling. I had a fun.
They came back to Kobe. I really miss them. For new year day, I'm looking forward to see them.
Political ferment
When I see this country's confusion these days, I can't help thinking the political poverty.
In US, it just so happened that president Obama's awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. The Nobel Committee hopes the award will help for him, and to inspire nuclear powers to move toward nuclear disarmament.
But he took it in stride, because the Nobel Prize is understimated in US and he is plagued with so many problems, the rise in unemployment and backlash of the old guard in every policies.
When you look dispassionately, he makes his intention clear and his policies seem to be very smart and stand reason, he is a true political leader.
But I've heard his rating has still fallen.
There's saying,"Bread is better than the songs of birds." which describes recent political issue perfectly."Honorable poverty" means living a pure and indigent life without regard for personal desire.
Everyone knows it, but in reality, it is easier to commend poverty than to endure it.
In Japan, there is a different type of confusion.
The problem with leadership is a big problem with Japanese politicians themselves.
There are many leaders who are always fighting with each other resulting in very little success.
So, when one leader was elected, at least, everyone should promise to cooperate with the leader.
They must first put some rules that deal with the cooperation.
And the Japanese leader needs to cultivate leadership.
I think that the principle of leadership is charismatic, it can improve by human efforts.
It is important to make the atmosphere as a leader. The appearence includes that deep and well-projected voice and better position. The political sense includes that strong identity and assertion and steadfastness.
And in the election, people easily depend on circumstances. So political party and politician could use psychographic strategies. I've convinced that some American politician use it.
Any way, the world won't change just by complaining. I want to be interested in politics and have my opinion.
In US, it just so happened that president Obama's awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009. The Nobel Committee hopes the award will help for him, and to inspire nuclear powers to move toward nuclear disarmament.
But he took it in stride, because the Nobel Prize is understimated in US and he is plagued with so many problems, the rise in unemployment and backlash of the old guard in every policies.
When you look dispassionately, he makes his intention clear and his policies seem to be very smart and stand reason, he is a true political leader.
But I've heard his rating has still fallen.
There's saying,"Bread is better than the songs of birds." which describes recent political issue perfectly."Honorable poverty" means living a pure and indigent life without regard for personal desire.
Everyone knows it, but in reality, it is easier to commend poverty than to endure it.
In Japan, there is a different type of confusion.
The problem with leadership is a big problem with Japanese politicians themselves.
There are many leaders who are always fighting with each other resulting in very little success.
So, when one leader was elected, at least, everyone should promise to cooperate with the leader.
They must first put some rules that deal with the cooperation.
And the Japanese leader needs to cultivate leadership.
I think that the principle of leadership is charismatic, it can improve by human efforts.
It is important to make the atmosphere as a leader. The appearence includes that deep and well-projected voice and better position. The political sense includes that strong identity and assertion and steadfastness.
And in the election, people easily depend on circumstances. So political party and politician could use psychographic strategies. I've convinced that some American politician use it.
Any way, the world won't change just by complaining. I want to be interested in politics and have my opinion.
Her marriage ceremony may be small and intimate with only family and a few relatives attending. But we would like to see her wedding, so we went to there secretly.
One of my friends didn't know her marrige before seeing her wedding dress.
She was left speechless. We really had a fun.
Well, it was surprised us that her partner was out of our mind. Because, she is quiet type of person, but he is a opposite person, a very sociable person. Additionally, he invited us to their house.
As I call, I was wondering how type of person would be made for each other, opposite or similar.
In my case, I've been thinking I'd like someone is similar to me and understand me. But I'm realized it's really hard to find such a person. Everyone is different. I should make efforts to compromise and understand others.
Thinking about it, it had been difficult for me to find someone I love, but it is not difficult to make a friendship with somemen.
Whenever I feel someone's earnest affection, I felt some kind of fear and left from him. Maybe, I thought that I couldn't return such a serious question. Because, if I answered something, I will have a hevy responsibility on my answer. I went into my shell and I couldn't understand even my own feelings.
Probably, this explain the reason that there is a thin line between love and hate.
The more I have strong feelings to him, the more he has strong sentiment to me.
And sometimes it would become love. Sometimes it would become hate.
Once the love bond breaking, the more it's strong, the more it's gone beyond the point where it can be repaired.
Onece there is a divorce, the line is cut, even two people promised to love each other.
I'm stunned by the fact that the emotional of human works complexity.
I don't think mine's going to be like others.
I think that I will always like the man I came to love.
I'm looking foward to see whether it is true or not.
In addition
I've heard that she decided marrige 2 month ago, and they had their marriage registered 1 month ago, and today they hold a ceremony. Up to the day they were legally married, their relationship had progressed at an incredible speed. So nobody knows about her marrige like us.
It's hard to believe!

UNICLO is Japanese clothing fashion brand. Now, UNICLO is leading trend in Japan.
I'm impressed by UNICLO's mind, competitive prices and unsurpassed quality and simple and up-to-date style!
For example, today's special is the velvet jacket. it's only 3,990Yen, it's 1/7 of regular brand-name jacket, I have. It's not discernible to the eye.
I must question the value of buying expensive brand-name clothes at the department store.
Now a days, UNICLO is trying to advance overseas.
I'm convince it would come up. Because UNICLO is needed by the people, place value on the other things, not clothes, UNICLO has caputured fans in the educated class, and especially low-income earner.
And That's style, vivid color and stylish design is for Foreigner maybe even better than Japanese.
I feel that we ought to welcome riging of these fashion brand, having clear strategies.
However, I feel a bit scare, because now the fisical resession still remain, a lot of fashion-brands are competing for dwindling territory.
Inefficient and weak ones will die out.
UNICLO must make a lot of efforts to provide inexpensive and high quality goods.
If he is popular, that doesn't mean he is coining money.
UNICLO's today's stock price 13,200 Yen
dividend yield a year 160.00(2009/08)
Sony's today's stock price 2,550Yen
dividend yield a year 42.50(2009/03)
They slash prices and compete on volume. I've seen tough facts of life in the fashion industry.
But, in some means, the rise of UNICLO will give hope to Japanese. And it will create and expand employment not only production ,but on the circulation. And to express a strong desire and clear vision to the world would increase the value of the company. In fact, the CEO of UNICLO could get a great deal of money riging UNICLO's stock price.
Any way, I ought to wellcome this current condition as a consumer without thinking.
Thank God,it's Friday!
Today I went back to home before 8 pm, because, it's Friday.
I'm behind in my works for 3 days. Now, I've been able to breath.
At dinner time, somehow, I started to talke about blood investigation's result of the previous consalutation at the hospital.
When I went to hospital for upset stomach, I got the blood investigation before consultation.
I was wondering why I have to do it. I got it at the consultation. The doctor explained the reason, to check the serum amylase, from mydisrrhea after taking fatty things.
As the result, it was not high level, so the doc decided to see me to take medicine.
And then, I'd realized that it was hard for even the doc to cause of patient's condition. Perhaps, they make judgments by the date of test and see how it works, to prescribe some drugs.
Actually, it can't be helped, because the cause of desease occurred as a result of various overlapping. there is not only phisical sign, but daily habit or psychological and environmental causes, etc.
Recently, I'm interested in the matters related to swine flue, production of antibodies and allergen reaction and drug effectiveness. Just one desease, there are complex movements in my body.
I've realized the doc can't understand everything at the molecular level. They have no time.
In the end, if patients get well, it is enough to prescribe drugs, unless severe symptoms.
I'm behind in my works for 3 days. Now, I've been able to breath.
At dinner time, somehow, I started to talke about blood investigation's result of the previous consalutation at the hospital.
When I went to hospital for upset stomach, I got the blood investigation before consultation.
I was wondering why I have to do it. I got it at the consultation. The doctor explained the reason, to check the serum amylase, from mydisrrhea after taking fatty things.
As the result, it was not high level, so the doc decided to see me to take medicine.
And then, I'd realized that it was hard for even the doc to cause of patient's condition. Perhaps, they make judgments by the date of test and see how it works, to prescribe some drugs.
Actually, it can't be helped, because the cause of desease occurred as a result of various overlapping. there is not only phisical sign, but daily habit or psychological and environmental causes, etc.
Recently, I'm interested in the matters related to swine flue, production of antibodies and allergen reaction and drug effectiveness. Just one desease, there are complex movements in my body.
I've realized the doc can't understand everything at the molecular level. They have no time.
In the end, if patients get well, it is enough to prescribe drugs, unless severe symptoms.
High Yen
One week ago, I gave up writing blog, because of sleepiness.
I added some my opinions oh the previous blog.
The yen is still getting strong against the dollar.I had predicted a couple of years ago, because house prices of US were so expensive. As thinking a career wage of ordinary people, it’s not a real price but an expected price.
Well, how do they buy a house?They paid money to purchase a house, even take out a loan. It’s a dream, as an expectation house price will be rising, for their future. I feel a little jealous of American positive thinking.It was supported by strong expectation and huge amount of dollar in the market.
US population is growing, The strong expectation is supported by this reason, Actually, growth population will lead to intermittent inflation.
Japanese gorverment also trys to promote this fiscal policy, issue a huge amount of government bonds in prospect of economic growth and inflation.
It seems like shoesstring operation. It isn't secure. Luckily, A lot of Japanese companise are fighting against the inflation. Inflation might generate new risks of instability.
I think, today there are huge amount of extra dollars on the market. In fact, it brings an increase in excess investment. It sometimes flood on areas that generate profits, and when investor give up on, it flow out to new areas that generate profits. It's like a game.
I think the root cause of extra dollars, comes from not collecting the dollars by the Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve just has been printing of dollars. Doing bad-loan after recession by printing of dollars, eventually, will depress the dollar's value.
It also will cause wealth and a secure future loosse.
In the other hand, in Japan, due to an aging society, the population of wokers is rapidly decreasing. We can hardly expect rapidly economic growth. but we don't like inflation, because, we have huge amount of savings. We afraid of depressing the Yen's value.
I think that IMF in general should take initiative for such things. I guess dollars had been too strong. I look forward to successful reform in IMF.
Well, Japan already is a mature society. So we don't need a lot of things, we should maintain in our lives. we just hope for a stable society. We know, we should do the reformation of society, from manufacturing industries toward service industries.
Now, globalization is undergoing rapid progress in Japan. We can't avoid even financial globalization, we should know that movements on the world stage .
Addition 2009.10.11
The October 7 of news week issue had an article which is cautious about American inflation fear.
Rather, he believed the inflation will occur by things deficiency and extra money, and he recomended positive economic stimulation. I think that the resent weak dollar happend by fallen credibility from printing huge dollars.
I added some my opinions oh the previous blog.
The yen is still getting strong against the dollar.I had predicted a couple of years ago, because house prices of US were so expensive. As thinking a career wage of ordinary people, it’s not a real price but an expected price.
Well, how do they buy a house?They paid money to purchase a house, even take out a loan. It’s a dream, as an expectation house price will be rising, for their future. I feel a little jealous of American positive thinking.It was supported by strong expectation and huge amount of dollar in the market.
US population is growing, The strong expectation is supported by this reason, Actually, growth population will lead to intermittent inflation.
Japanese gorverment also trys to promote this fiscal policy, issue a huge amount of government bonds in prospect of economic growth and inflation.
It seems like shoesstring operation. It isn't secure. Luckily, A lot of Japanese companise are fighting against the inflation. Inflation might generate new risks of instability.
I think, today there are huge amount of extra dollars on the market. In fact, it brings an increase in excess investment. It sometimes flood on areas that generate profits, and when investor give up on, it flow out to new areas that generate profits. It's like a game.
I think the root cause of extra dollars, comes from not collecting the dollars by the Federal Reserve. Federal Reserve just has been printing of dollars. Doing bad-loan after recession by printing of dollars, eventually, will depress the dollar's value.
It also will cause wealth and a secure future loosse.
In the other hand, in Japan, due to an aging society, the population of wokers is rapidly decreasing. We can hardly expect rapidly economic growth. but we don't like inflation, because, we have huge amount of savings. We afraid of depressing the Yen's value.
I think that IMF in general should take initiative for such things. I guess dollars had been too strong. I look forward to successful reform in IMF.
Well, Japan already is a mature society. So we don't need a lot of things, we should maintain in our lives. we just hope for a stable society. We know, we should do the reformation of society, from manufacturing industries toward service industries.
Now, globalization is undergoing rapid progress in Japan. We can't avoid even financial globalization, we should know that movements on the world stage .
Addition 2009.10.11
The October 7 of news week issue had an article which is cautious about American inflation fear.
Rather, he believed the inflation will occur by things deficiency and extra money, and he recomended positive economic stimulation. I think that the resent weak dollar happend by fallen credibility from printing huge dollars.
Dietary education course
A nonprofit organization (NPO) called "Jmacs"organized this project.
Jmacs hopes to provide effective dietary education to children.
My friend, Itsuko Nozaki is a food coordinator, living in Mastuyama and she is striving to promote dietary education and local production for local consumption to the world.
Besides, cooking is one of my hobby, so I really enjoy this activity.
The course includes 3 classes in this year. Today is the second, and the theme is "hot tofu".
She introduced some local organic vegetables, tofu and eggplant.
And I played trivia of eggplant to children. Eggplant is the second disliked vegetable among children, so I thought 10 eggplant's quiz children would get interested.
The most popular was the color change of eggplant peel caused by lemon.
It turned from purple to red, because lemon is strong alkaline property, so it changed purple pigment , one of anthocyanin.
I found that children get interested in more off center things.
Recently, I've been worring about myself, whether I suit my job, teacher, or not.
I believe this kind of activities, good experiences, also might be helpful for my job.
And all administration officers of Jmacs and staffs are really nice people. So, I cheer up just by seeing.
Any way, I had a great time by this event. I can't wait for the next!
Developmental disorder
During this week, I often talked with sturdents's parents after school, almost everyday.
Some how, some students became fidgety after a field day, and made some troubles.
I've been struggling to manage my class since the beginnig of this year.
The main cause is the two children act at their own discretion without thinking for other classmates, and require me like to their mother.
I was involved in their voltage. So, I often had a talk with their mother, and they also have been feeling difficulties for nurturing children.
Actually, recently I feel developmental disorders are incresing in a class.
In my class, there are 5 children who have some kind of difficulties, low intelligence or ADHD or pervasive development disorder, in my class, are 31 children.
It'a high ratio!
I think problematic children lack in communication skill.
They might have some difficulties by nature, like baiased development and developmentally-handicapped and oversensive etc.
So, the mother had felt difficulties for nurturing the child, and then, decreased communication, and then, the child could not develop smoothly and learn a language.
It becomes a vicious circle.
In the other hand, There are problems in their family background, for example, severity or poverty or abuse or neglect etc.
This may cause developmental problems.
They, however, can't possible concentrate on lerning, if they have such a daily worries.
I believe that educational backgraound is more important than high birth.
So, I've been trying to teach sturdents to improve their abilities, to get out of this terrible situation.
But, I know, it is really a difficult issue to deal with, in most case, everything will get back on the track.
Humans are weak, we can't go on living without relying on something.
I've realized, there are something I can't do, if I do my best.
There is more to life than work.
I would like to think positive and I hope a peace.
Some how, some students became fidgety after a field day, and made some troubles.
I've been struggling to manage my class since the beginnig of this year.
The main cause is the two children act at their own discretion without thinking for other classmates, and require me like to their mother.
I was involved in their voltage. So, I often had a talk with their mother, and they also have been feeling difficulties for nurturing children.
Actually, recently I feel developmental disorders are incresing in a class.
In my class, there are 5 children who have some kind of difficulties, low intelligence or ADHD or pervasive development disorder, in my class, are 31 children.
It'a high ratio!
I think problematic children lack in communication skill.
They might have some difficulties by nature, like baiased development and developmentally-handicapped and oversensive etc.
So, the mother had felt difficulties for nurturing the child, and then, decreased communication, and then, the child could not develop smoothly and learn a language.
It becomes a vicious circle.
In the other hand, There are problems in their family background, for example, severity or poverty or abuse or neglect etc.
This may cause developmental problems.
They, however, can't possible concentrate on lerning, if they have such a daily worries.
I believe that educational backgraound is more important than high birth.
So, I've been trying to teach sturdents to improve their abilities, to get out of this terrible situation.
But, I know, it is really a difficult issue to deal with, in most case, everything will get back on the track.
Humans are weak, we can't go on living without relying on something.
I've realized, there are something I can't do, if I do my best.
There is more to life than work.
I would like to think positive and I hope a peace.
Today, I went to the Shiikokutyuuou hospital for my upset stomach. As my main certain symptom, no appetite and having burps before and after meals. When I sat down in the waiting room in the department of digestive organs, I was glad to see few patients, it was not crowded. But after all, I waited 4hours, additionally I have to take the test in another day.
I’d really felt the breakdown of medical care in my hometown. There are a lot of small clinics in my hometown, and they are never crowded. Actually, polarized phenomenon was brewing here in medical.
Because, recently, people tend to go to large-scale general hospitals like civic or public hospitals and university hospitals, capable of dealing with various illnesses in fields ranging from pediatrics to neurosurgery, to require high quality of health care, and then, unleash a crowding in only latge hospitals. I am writing to find out what kind of services and information to ease a crowing in large-scale hospitals.
The first is that enhance the partnerships between a large hospital and small clinics. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has advised us to have a family doctor. That system is that family doc can immediately introduces his patient to large hospitals, when he is getting worse. I think patients would feel secure by establishing the safety system. Now, in the field of medical care, it has been advancing through specialization and subdivision. We couldn’t prevent people require a long life and QOL.. So, clinics will segregate each other by improving their expertise, for example, in psychiatric circles, for depression or borderline personality disorder or children etc.
The second is that improve the efficiency of hospital, in medical examination. Now some reformations, like appointment system and sharing patient’s information with electronic medical charts, have already begun. The hospitals are also expected to balance competing goals for reducing medical expenses and better medical care.
We, Japanese, tend to think, how to live, so we always wish better lives. And doctors also try to assure the best possible medical care without any thought of national budget. In Japan , just join the health insurance system and we can get the finest medical care to pay 1/3 of the cost of the totall cost. But, Japan is aging at a rapid pace, and we will not expect dramatic growth. Unless halting rising medical costs, we will not retain our current structures. I think that the system, medical choice, will be introduced to meet the needs of the patients. Medical choice might extend to various fields, like check and treatment and medicine and even treatment term or refusal.
If the government is offering guaranteed high quality healthcare, we also have to expect an enormous of costs. So, the government tries to promote the idea like palliative care and dignified death, and then, people will start to think about their death and their life.
It's not easy to go this way. I couldn't stop to feel less secure that future could buy our lives by money would come soon.
Well, I got a lot of drugs in the hospital.
So, I asked a doctor, “ If my stomach improves, can I stop to take drugs?” and then, she said ”No, you have to stay on these drugs for 1 month ”
I was a bit depressed. Because I don’t like to take drugs, even I’m worse. I’ve been cured myself from almost disease by my immunity.
My mother also doesn’t like to take drugs, so it was rare for us to go to hospitals, even I developed a fever. Because of this, I belive I could improve my immunity.
The clean-loving Japanese have surrounded themselves with drugs and antibacterial goods, so Japanese lose chances to improve their immunities.
I want everyone to think more serious about drugs influences to our bodies.
Now, I try to eat a lot of carbohydrates and vitamins through breads and fruits, because it is easy to eat.
I know, I should take more proteins.
Today I cooked a special soup, enhance collagen with wing tips.
Lentils contein 60% carbo and 26%protein and 1% fat!
They don't have rich protein, but it is easy to digest.

Lentils soup rich collagen
for 4 people and 150kcal per person
lentils 50g
wing tip 4
shallot 2
carrot 1/4
green pepper 1
garlic 1piece
pepper and salt
1 mince every vegetables
2 saute every vegetables and wing tips with olive oil until onion turn light brown.
3 Put some water and boil for about 20 mini, as removing fat
4 Add boiled lentils, and salt and pepper to taste, and simmer until they are tender.
I’d really felt the breakdown of medical care in my hometown. There are a lot of small clinics in my hometown, and they are never crowded. Actually, polarized phenomenon was brewing here in medical.
Because, recently, people tend to go to large-scale general hospitals like civic or public hospitals and university hospitals, capable of dealing with various illnesses in fields ranging from pediatrics to neurosurgery, to require high quality of health care, and then, unleash a crowding in only latge hospitals. I am writing to find out what kind of services and information to ease a crowing in large-scale hospitals.
The first is that enhance the partnerships between a large hospital and small clinics. The Ministry of Health and Welfare has advised us to have a family doctor. That system is that family doc can immediately introduces his patient to large hospitals, when he is getting worse. I think patients would feel secure by establishing the safety system. Now, in the field of medical care, it has been advancing through specialization and subdivision. We couldn’t prevent people require a long life and QOL.. So, clinics will segregate each other by improving their expertise, for example, in psychiatric circles, for depression or borderline personality disorder or children etc.
The second is that improve the efficiency of hospital, in medical examination. Now some reformations, like appointment system and sharing patient’s information with electronic medical charts, have already begun. The hospitals are also expected to balance competing goals for reducing medical expenses and better medical care.
We, Japanese, tend to think, how to live, so we always wish better lives. And doctors also try to assure the best possible medical care without any thought of national budget. In Japan , just join the health insurance system and we can get the finest medical care to pay 1/3 of the cost of the totall cost. But, Japan is aging at a rapid pace, and we will not expect dramatic growth. Unless halting rising medical costs, we will not retain our current structures. I think that the system, medical choice, will be introduced to meet the needs of the patients. Medical choice might extend to various fields, like check and treatment and medicine and even treatment term or refusal.
If the government is offering guaranteed high quality healthcare, we also have to expect an enormous of costs. So, the government tries to promote the idea like palliative care and dignified death, and then, people will start to think about their death and their life.
It's not easy to go this way. I couldn't stop to feel less secure that future could buy our lives by money would come soon.
Well, I got a lot of drugs in the hospital.
So, I asked a doctor, “ If my stomach improves, can I stop to take drugs?” and then, she said ”No, you have to stay on these drugs for 1 month ”
I was a bit depressed. Because I don’t like to take drugs, even I’m worse. I’ve been cured myself from almost disease by my immunity.
My mother also doesn’t like to take drugs, so it was rare for us to go to hospitals, even I developed a fever. Because of this, I belive I could improve my immunity.
The clean-loving Japanese have surrounded themselves with drugs and antibacterial goods, so Japanese lose chances to improve their immunities.
I want everyone to think more serious about drugs influences to our bodies.
Now, I try to eat a lot of carbohydrates and vitamins through breads and fruits, because it is easy to eat.
I know, I should take more proteins.
Today I cooked a special soup, enhance collagen with wing tips.
Lentils contein 60% carbo and 26%protein and 1% fat!
They don't have rich protein, but it is easy to digest.
Lentils soup rich collagen
lentils 50g
wing tip 4
shallot 2
carrot 1/4
green pepper 1
garlic 1piece
pepper and salt
1 mince every vegetables
2 saute every vegetables and wing tips with olive oil until onion turn light brown.
3 Put some water and boil for about 20 mini, as removing fat
4 Add boiled lentils, and salt and pepper to taste, and simmer until they are tender.
Upset stomach
I have been suffering from headaches and vomiting. I might get a stomach upset. I’m going to go to hospital after a field day, in Sep 28 or 29. I have substitute holidays. So, that's all for today.
Today, I went to Matsuyama to see a friend.
The highway was so crowded, because now, in only weekend, the highway tolls with a uniform driving charge of 1000Yen, except city area.
I found a lot of cars from other prefectures in the high way parking.
Yesterday, Yukio Hatoyama, be elected prime minister on Sep 16, committed to pursuing a far ambitious goal to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
Speaking at the Asahi World Environment Forum 2009, which opened the same day in Tokyo, he said his administration would aim for an emissions cut of 25 % from 1990 levels by 2020.
It constitutes a contradiction with the manifesto of his party, Democratic party. The highway become free is concluded in the DP’s manifesto.
Even now, there are a lot of increases in traffic in everyhighway. When free highway happens, CO2 emissions will increase very much.
I feel stirring concern, Japanese CO2 emission is only 4.5% of the total, and 41 % of the total number of CO2 are US and China. He shows that Japan will take initiative to achieve the target, to the world. I’m wondering if he has such a strong initiative.
Japan is said that is advanced on eco friendly technologies. If we could d
evelop a sustainable system and spread our environmental technologies, we would buck up Japan’s value.
Any way, I shouldn’t worry too much, and I just expect Japan’s fine progress.
By the way, I found a fun store at the highway parking.
It’s a fruits market, really Ehime. I tried to put early oranges in a small bag for 200Yen.
I felt coming of autumn!
The highway was so crowded, because now, in only weekend, the highway tolls with a uniform driving charge of 1000Yen, except city area.
I found a lot of cars from other prefectures in the high way parking.
Yesterday, Yukio Hatoyama, be elected prime minister on Sep 16, committed to pursuing a far ambitious goal to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
Speaking at the Asahi World Environment Forum 2009, which opened the same day in Tokyo, he said his administration would aim for an emissions cut of 25 % from 1990 levels by 2020.
It constitutes a contradiction with the manifesto of his party, Democratic party. The highway become free is concluded in the DP’s manifesto.
Even now, there are a lot of increases in traffic in everyhighway. When free highway happens, CO2 emissions will increase very much.
I feel stirring concern, Japanese CO2 emission is only 4.5% of the total, and 41 % of the total number of CO2 are US and China. He shows that Japan will take initiative to achieve the target, to the world. I’m wondering if he has such a strong initiative.
Japan is said that is advanced on eco friendly technologies. If we could d
Any way, I shouldn’t worry too much, and I just expect Japan’s fine progress.
By the way, I found a fun store at the highway parking.
It’s a fruits market, really Ehime. I tried to put early oranges in a small bag for 200Yen.
I felt coming of autumn!
Today's theme is a stamp.
Have you ever made a stamp from an eraser in your school days?
In my elementary school, when we were taught how to use a carving knife, everyone got to be crazy about making stamps from erasers.
Recently, making stamps seem to become hot topic in Japan.
Eraser stamp
carving knif
ink pad
acrylic color
ink brush
how to make
1 painting on the eraser
2 carve eraser along the line4 if you use acrylic color, you can stamp even fablic.
Eraser stamp is made from a few materials, and make easily!
You would like to challenge more funny one!
What really surprised me
I was very much caught off guard by her.
She is one of teacher friend's group.
Last March, when I checked a news paper about teacher's personnel transfer, I found her name on the retired list. Though we often meeted to talk almost every month, I'd never heard whether she worried to quit the job, or not.
I couldn't get a hold of her, so I called all my friends, but nobody knew it.
After a while, I got an e-mail from her. They had words like " I'm going to get married one person, having a relationship with me. I'll go to Okayama" .
I nearly had a stroke.
In the meeting, we enjoyed listening all kinds of stories about them. Marrige person's opinion maybe of some help for me. I felt very encouraged from them. And, I just called to one single friend sitting in front of me," We shold do our best, souldn't we?" Then, because she answered, "No, I'm not enough. I got married".
I've nearly had a stroke again.
She just got married last week.
I'd believed that we had said whatever we did. I realized, everyone doesn't say whatever is on their mind and goes out with someone.
I've been thinking that I have to marry for a long time. But, until recently, I wasn't true interested in marriage.
It's a fact that I rarely met someone I really like. I'd been just thought someone understand me. Topics of my interest are economic and politics and environment, eco and health and food.
Maybe, they are not girlish. I might look serious and cool.
Usually, people seem to tell each other about what happened that day at home.
But in my family, we din't tell about such a things, I think it was not my parent's favorite topic. And now, if I tell about my work, it's not difficult but enourmous amounts of work and hectic and stressfull days , my mother will worry too much. So, now, we enjoy talking about current news.
Oh, I am in a crisis!
I should feel pressed more.
Luckily, Happiness are still continuing in my group.
My friends offer to introduce a new love to me, in the meantime, I should go for it.
I might find someone understand me.
I've left home for a long time, and I lost a lot of plants and flowers, but my garden is still planted with a variety of flowers and plants.
Early September is the month for planting spring-flowering bulbs.
Basically, they grow easily, just only water and furtilize.
If they don't bloom in spring, the problem could be overcrowding.
Today, I focused on transplanting them.
Taking care of plants, just that alone is enough for me. It's my pleasure. Let's join me to enjoy gardening!
If you grow plants, you can really the strength of nature.
I have a lot of Daffodils and Tulips of different kinds that include rare species.
And, Leucojum aestivum and Cyclamen persicum and Zephyranthes and Ornithogalum dubium and Sorrel and etc.
Almost people would be content to just watch beautiful things.
In my case, while looking at plants, which is enough to purify my mind and feel comforted.
And, touching the plants, I feel my sensitivity will unfold.
This year, Fortunately, a Cyclamen servived last winter. Though I buy some Cyclamen every year, it's the first experience for me.
In addition, I've found some small bulbs of Cyclamen. Each bulb sprouts a few leaf.
It's also my first experience!
They give hope to me!
5 days holidays
Today, 5 days holidays started!
I have a lot of homework, because I had been tackling worries about students during last few weeks. Any way, I have to do those without complaining.
When I look back at the past several years, I've felt difficulties managing students year and year.
I feel children having some kind of difficulties, like ADHD or lack of social skills or psychological fear, are increasing.
In the other hand, there are so many parents who are earnest for an education for their children. change in society
I think, it is cocktail of several reasons, change in society, like a gap of society and diversification of individual values.
People in matured countries are searching for an enjoyable, easy life.
Surely, we got it, but in the result , we are forced to be hectic lifestiles.
Now, we also are requesting by customers, parents.
Since some time or other, we just attend to their needs. A wide variety of students are in public school. It creates differences of opinions among them.
I realized, I've been exhausted by trying to respond to the request as completely as possible.
I should make a virtue of necessity.
Well, I've complained again!
Generaly, people enjoy making their blog as a communication tool or a place showing themselves.
But, in my case I just write very personal thing, just telling daily life or my thought.
As blogging, I can see myself.
I've believed that wrinting has good effect as a therapy, especially for people pour out their worriesin front of others, like me.
Well, I guess that nurcing plants or painting or making something have also good effect on people relaxed. They are a sense of success in works.
In the end, "pain is forgotten where gain follows."
I don't like such a thinking, want to put something back. But I should change my mind, for reducing my stresses.
I have a lot of homework, because I had been tackling worries about students during last few weeks. Any way, I have to do those without complaining.
When I look back at the past several years, I've felt difficulties managing students year and year.
I feel children having some kind of difficulties, like ADHD or lack of social skills or psychological fear, are increasing.
In the other hand, there are so many parents who are earnest for an education for their children. change in society
I think, it is cocktail of several reasons, change in society, like a gap of society and diversification of individual values.
People in matured countries are searching for an enjoyable, easy life.
Surely, we got it, but in the result , we are forced to be hectic lifestiles.
Now, we also are requesting by customers, parents.
Since some time or other, we just attend to their needs. A wide variety of students are in public school. It creates differences of opinions among them.
I realized, I've been exhausted by trying to respond to the request as completely as possible.
I should make a virtue of necessity.
Well, I've complained again!
Generaly, people enjoy making their blog as a communication tool or a place showing themselves.
But, in my case I just write very personal thing, just telling daily life or my thought.
As blogging, I can see myself.
I've believed that wrinting has good effect as a therapy, especially for people pour out their worriesin front of others, like me.
Well, I guess that nurcing plants or painting or making something have also good effect on people relaxed. They are a sense of success in works.
In the end, "pain is forgotten where gain follows."
I don't like such a thinking, want to put something back. But I should change my mind, for reducing my stresses.
I got depressed today.
My cheif someteimes advise me about management of children. That is not really a bad thing. However, she said it in front of a lot of my colleagues, especially the principal.
When I hear her advices, I come down off a high, even I really know some children's bad conduct. I get to suffer serious guilt trips, like I feel I am denied.
Maybe, parents nurseing difficult child always feel like me!
Maybe, even for children I couldn't keep a suitable distance with children.
I should leave from children, and see them objectively, and advise them acting on their own initiative.
Well, moreover, I have an another problem.
Though I wish to settle down at least, I'm prone to problems.
My cheif someteimes advise me about management of children. That is not really a bad thing. However, she said it in front of a lot of my colleagues, especially the principal.
When I hear her advices, I come down off a high, even I really know some children's bad conduct. I get to suffer serious guilt trips, like I feel I am denied.
Maybe, parents nurseing difficult child always feel like me!
Maybe, even for children I couldn't keep a suitable distance with children.
I should leave from children, and see them objectively, and advise them acting on their own initiative.
Well, moreover, I have an another problem.
Though I wish to settle down at least, I'm prone to problems.
Every weekends, I give children kepping a dairy as a homework.
Last week's topic was "the chores".
(A boy's diary)
I do one thing for helping my family.
It's that bringing a newspaper.
I do it everyday.
When I did it, I got 10Yen from my father.
I'm really happy it.
You might ask me, "And then?"
I just couldn't help smiling with pleasure.
But I think, his diary offers a glimpse into a lot of things, about his family, his parent's sense of values and understanding of his personality.
He is the first boy of 3 siblings. He has 2 yongersisters.
Both his parents are working all day.
He is earnest and well-organaized and concentrates his favorite things and has his pace.
Plobably, his parents try to teach forming habit or money sense to him.
Surely, I feel he is influenced by it.
Ring bells for me.
I grow up just like my mother, loving sowing and knitting and cooking and plants.
My friends were also really like me.
Only school was what it's an another world for me.
I believe the human being is formed by experiences, including the enviornment and social position.
If Children have the ability which read other's mind, they would live up to their parent's expectation. If parents often read books, their children would be interested in, and get to like books. If you hope something to your children, you just should do it in front of them.
I think, the most important thing is to have faith in yourself.
Last week's topic was "the chores".
(A boy's diary)
I do one thing for helping my family.
It's that bringing a newspaper.
I do it everyday.
When I did it, I got 10Yen from my father.
I'm really happy it.
You might ask me, "And then?"
I just couldn't help smiling with pleasure.
But I think, his diary offers a glimpse into a lot of things, about his family, his parent's sense of values and understanding of his personality.
He is the first boy of 3 siblings. He has 2 yongersisters.
Both his parents are working all day.
He is earnest and well-organaized and concentrates his favorite things and has his pace.
Plobably, his parents try to teach forming habit or money sense to him.
Surely, I feel he is influenced by it.
Ring bells for me.
I grow up just like my mother, loving sowing and knitting and cooking and plants.
My friends were also really like me.
Only school was what it's an another world for me.
I believe the human being is formed by experiences, including the enviornment and social position.
If Children have the ability which read other's mind, they would live up to their parent's expectation. If parents often read books, their children would be interested in, and get to like books. If you hope something to your children, you just should do it in front of them.
I think, the most important thing is to have faith in yourself.
Happening again
It was cloudy today, so I could feel good, even 3 PE classes and after school field tarainig.
Today, there was a happening in school. Around 6:30pm, a colleague found a fallen colleague at her classroom, and she was transported by ambulance to SHIKOKUTYUUOU hospital. Well, she wasn't as seriously ill as we thought.
It was an exhaustion. Hospital wasn't so crowded, I saw 3 docters and 2 nurses. We had to wait over 1 hour before treatment. During waiting, I saw some patients who were receiving intravenous fluids.
Maybe, they were not severe patients in the eyes of a docter. But it was a big problem for them.
I also know docter's severe work environment and dificulties. They were required a lot of things such as night duty and good judgment and responsibility. They also need feelings of comfort.
I think the cause which is distructive to the doctor-patient relationship comes from such matters.
After all, I feel again it is important to try to help each other understand.
Well, there was a happy occasion. It was that I ran across an Engllish classmate at the hospital.
Ps. In the end, she needed to be admitted to hospital for a while.
She is one of my close colleagues. I really hope her recover.
Today, there was a happening in school. Around 6:30pm, a colleague found a fallen colleague at her classroom, and she was transported by ambulance to SHIKOKUTYUUOU hospital. Well, she wasn't as seriously ill as we thought.
It was an exhaustion. Hospital wasn't so crowded, I saw 3 docters and 2 nurses. We had to wait over 1 hour before treatment. During waiting, I saw some patients who were receiving intravenous fluids.
Maybe, they were not severe patients in the eyes of a docter. But it was a big problem for them.
I also know docter's severe work environment and dificulties. They were required a lot of things such as night duty and good judgment and responsibility. They also need feelings of comfort.
I think the cause which is distructive to the doctor-patient relationship comes from such matters.
After all, I feel again it is important to try to help each other understand.
Well, there was a happy occasion. It was that I ran across an Engllish classmate at the hospital.
Ps. In the end, she needed to be admitted to hospital for a while.
She is one of my close colleagues. I really hope her recover.
Momordica charantia
It produces a lot of fruits with rapidity. We eat unripen fruits.
Well, we grow a lot of vegitables in school, for Sience education and promoting love for nature and ecological
Now, we make a big green curtain by Momordica charantia. It block sunlight and must be cooled our class rooms. But, in fact, I feel a bit humid by it.
Today, I got a Momordica for dinner.
But, my dinner time was too late, and it contains rich nutritions. Maybe, it's so effective that I would put on weight.
Any way, I need it. Tomorrow would be a hard day. I have 3 FE classes of a day, and I have to look after training for track &field after school, besides, I have a meeting at night.
Special weekend
Even today, I stayed in almost day.
butter 90g (180)
But, today, I could work a lot , planing of classes or checking an enormous amount of prints and tests.
Tomorrow is school starting! I understand the feelings of school truants.
I've noticed one thing from this weekend. Usually I go to school to work even in weekend. But In this weekend, I've done without going to school. In the furture, I' d like to do.
Well, I decided to make a cake for school. I went to JUSCO to buy ingredients in the evening.
JUSCO was so crowded as I thought. Usually, I drop at there around 8 or 8pm, and see few people. I was a bit glad, because I've been supporting EON's ECO activities.
Cranberry and whitechocolatecake
5×5×4 cup 10 (18×18㎝ pan)
gra sugar 75g (150)
milk 15ml (30)
whitechoco 30g (60)
egg 2 (4)
flour 100g (200)
p-powder 2g (4)
lemon 15ml (30)
cranberry 80g (160)
1 In a bowl combine butter and sugar and whisk
2 Put melt whitechoco and milk to 1
3 Combine egg
4 Add to flour mixture.
5 Add to lemon and cranberry mixture.
Stir just until moistened.
6 filing pan
7 Preheat oven to 160 ℃ and bake for 25 mini.
It burnt a bit, with not too sweet taste, and it's like a financier.
In next week I have to attend 4 meetings at night, almost everyday! It's awful.
I'll be looking forward to 5 days holidays.
Saturday morning
Saturday morning is my most favorite time.
I get up around 6:30 am, usually 5:30, and I make a breakfast as thinking about nutritional balance and color. Today, there are a organic hot cake made from okara and pear of 1/3 and a yogurt and a cup of cafe au lait. You might ask me, why are you thinking of color? I believe that color is a very useful item to stimulus to us. Good for our feeling and stimulus our appetites.
And I enjoy reading a newspaper as having breakfast, over 1 hour.
The other reason of what I love Saturday morning is that I don't need make up. Usually, I'm light makeup. Even it, I feel some worked for me. When I'm no make up, I can be natural and experience my body relaxing.
My mother and younger sister often advise me to buy more good and much clothes. Sometimes I feel it annoying. Having a lot of clothes is tough for me, because I get to have to think more about my appearance and manage those. I don't attach much importance to appearance.
But recentlly, I've realized, so much people attach much importance to appearance, through discussing at English conversation school, for getting job or good impression and etc.
According to classmate's thought, a lot of people compare themselves to what they see on TV or magagines. I was surprised that they might be helpful for chosing my fashion, but they weren't real life for me.
We say, " Can't be judged by their appearances", but on other front, " Can judge someone based on looks only".
Many Japanese make a lot of efforts to improve their appearance, especially among young generation.
Actually, a talk about a fasion might take a role as making a relationship with friends and establishing theirselves. And they might just enjoy it. More than anything, if you look good, you might feel good by itself. Being improved cosmetically might affect to more wide areas as I thought.
I know, it depends on sense of values. So, I don't need to care about my appearance so much. But, in a sense, If I live in such an image-conscious society, I should be more concerned about my appearance.
I get up around 6:30 am, usually 5:30, and I make a breakfast as thinking about nutritional balance and color. Today, there are a organic hot cake made from okara and pear of 1/3 and a yogurt and a cup of cafe au lait. You might ask me, why are you thinking of color? I believe that color is a very useful item to stimulus to us. Good for our feeling and stimulus our appetites.
And I enjoy reading a newspaper as having breakfast, over 1 hour.
The other reason of what I love Saturday morning is that I don't need make up. Usually, I'm light makeup. Even it, I feel some worked for me. When I'm no make up, I can be natural and experience my body relaxing.
My mother and younger sister often advise me to buy more good and much clothes. Sometimes I feel it annoying. Having a lot of clothes is tough for me, because I get to have to think more about my appearance and manage those. I don't attach much importance to appearance.
But recentlly, I've realized, so much people attach much importance to appearance, through discussing at English conversation school, for getting job or good impression and etc.
According to classmate's thought, a lot of people compare themselves to what they see on TV or magagines. I was surprised that they might be helpful for chosing my fashion, but they weren't real life for me.
We say, " Can't be judged by their appearances", but on other front, " Can judge someone based on looks only".
Many Japanese make a lot of efforts to improve their appearance, especially among young generation.
Actually, a talk about a fasion might take a role as making a relationship with friends and establishing theirselves. And they might just enjoy it. More than anything, if you look good, you might feel good by itself. Being improved cosmetically might affect to more wide areas as I thought.
I know, it depends on sense of values. So, I don't need to care about my appearance so much. But, in a sense, If I live in such an image-conscious society, I should be more concerned about my appearance.
Today was the eight anniversary of the US terror attacks.
I've remembered "2001.9.11" in Besshi, it's located in mountain area. An ALT teacher who lived nearby came to my appartment for getting more informations. She was just as scared. For a while, we are talking about it. In fact, I'd felt a slight strangeness like another world.
But, it was a real life for her, because, at that time, her aunt lived in New York.
Now, in what kind of situations are New York?
From what I heard, deep sorrows still exist.
I think that "9.11" will seriously continue to affect people's lives, for a while.
" 9.11" was originally formed by invasion of Iraq. I whish they cut the cahin of hatred.
People say, "Feelings of forgiveness are important. Hatred only brings about hatred."
Obama presents "dialogue" as a foreign policy.
He shows his attitude to Middle East, he would try to have a dialogue and understand Mid East and Islamism.
I agree with his policy, I belive it is helpful to solve the issues through dialogue and negotiation.
We know, the opposite meaning word of" love" is "uninterest".
So, I believe that the terrorist would not attack to US if he doesn't change his policy.
It's inevitable we have defferent sense of values, because we have been brought up with different environments, languages, and customs. So, US should try to understand their point of views, and express your different sense of values and ask for understanding from them with different cultural backgrounds and customs.
I'm convinced it would come down to a difference in values.
Well, I'm wondering why US attach importance to the international contributions.
I just hope people around me would be happy.
I guess it comes from their religion or education, and they who are standing a high social position have more great ideals.
Next time, I want to think about it.
I've remembered "2001.9.11" in Besshi, it's located in mountain area. An ALT teacher who lived nearby came to my appartment for getting more informations. She was just as scared. For a while, we are talking about it. In fact, I'd felt a slight strangeness like another world.
But, it was a real life for her, because, at that time, her aunt lived in New York.
Now, in what kind of situations are New York?
From what I heard, deep sorrows still exist.
I think that "9.11" will seriously continue to affect people's lives, for a while.
" 9.11" was originally formed by invasion of Iraq. I whish they cut the cahin of hatred.
People say, "Feelings of forgiveness are important. Hatred only brings about hatred."
Obama presents "dialogue" as a foreign policy.
He shows his attitude to Middle East, he would try to have a dialogue and understand Mid East and Islamism.
I agree with his policy, I belive it is helpful to solve the issues through dialogue and negotiation.
We know, the opposite meaning word of" love" is "uninterest".
So, I believe that the terrorist would not attack to US if he doesn't change his policy.
It's inevitable we have defferent sense of values, because we have been brought up with different environments, languages, and customs. So, US should try to understand their point of views, and express your different sense of values and ask for understanding from them with different cultural backgrounds and customs.
I'm convinced it would come down to a difference in values.
Well, I'm wondering why US attach importance to the international contributions.
I just hope people around me would be happy.
I guess it comes from their religion or education, and they who are standing a high social position have more great ideals.
Next time, I want to think about it.
Turbulent days
Now, I face trouble in school, with one of my student's mother.
I have been given priority to my job over my private life. So, when I loose confidence about it, I'm wondering what I should rely on.
I'm going to die!
In such a turbulent day's, Even the severe principal and subprincipal advise me as to handle of the clisis, very kindly.
I've really realized that it is too dificult to understand my thought.
I hope it'll go good direction.
I have been given priority to my job over my private life. So, when I loose confidence about it, I'm wondering what I should rely on.
I'm going to die!
In such a turbulent day's, Even the severe principal and subprincipal advise me as to handle of the clisis, very kindly.
I've really realized that it is too dificult to understand my thought.
I hope it'll go good direction.
An unexpected present
I'm afraid of falling into the habit.
Well, today, I got an unexpected present from a colleague.
Recently, I had been in the blues. And, It makes me happy.
There are some people who keep company on a give and take principle.
When we do something for others, we might expect some kind of returns, like good impression or
making good relationship.
So, unexpected return makes us happier than expected one. Joy will be dobbled.
Well, I would like to give unexpected gifts to loving people.

My summer vacation was over!
Tomorrow, the new term starts.
I've done my works, making next year's teaching guidelines and purchasing books to the library and a lot of training, perfectly.
But I didn't to give myself enough time for myself.
I want to make time for myself in week day. At least, I want to keep workers hours below the full-time 12-hours-a-day level, and don't go to school on weekends, as possible.
Well, I've thought what I want to do.
1 Keep on writing blog.(I'm afraid that the next term would be more busy. )
2 Update my HP.(Some time ago, I updated my HP of the Kato's labo after a long interval. So I took a long time to remember the operating "FFTP", it's a HP software. Since now, I should do more often.)
3 Get prepared ahead of time in everything.
Anyway, I know, I have to think about myself.
Today, I've finished "rebuilding TRUST" from Harvard Business review, I got it fromJohn. It took very long time to read, because the words were so dificult for me.
My impression is that there is no wonder!
I'd really like to know why it is so difficult for people to win the confidence.
People say, "Trust! t's hard to earn and easy to lose."
Well, how should we gain people's trust?
I think,
first, it's important to believe in others no matter what happens. If you don't trust, they also don't trust you.
Second, it's important to respect others. Recently, I've realized it's not too easy to understand others. Everyone has everyone's reason. We should respect everyone's point of view.
Third, it's important to communicate to others. Many misunderstandings arise when we do not understand others and to avoid this, it is important for us to express our views and other information to others.
I'm sure thatI would get other's trust, but, I often hear that it 's difficult to see me by myself.
So I should be sorry for my actions.
Coincidently, today, the government has overturned, because of loose public confidnce.
I hope the times would change dramatically.
Last day of my summer vacation
I made a small bag for my wallet and cell phone.
Making bag is very simple and not too difficult.
Usually, I use 100% cotton bags, it's eco-friendly.
But, in fact, I have a popular brand bag.
Over 10 years ago, Louis Vuitton became so popular.
Almost young Japanese women owned brand products from famous names such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel.
I was prompted to buy Louis Vuitton by my yonger sister, because everyone had it.
The interior of Louis Vuitton was quite expensive-looking.
And it was true that bags were high quality.
In the event, I bought a new style shoulder bag.
But that bag has been out of use for ten years.
If I had Lois Vuitton, a lot of women looked at me.
I was sure it felt as strange to me.
I'd realized that it was not what I really wanted.
From that time, it became a lesson not to buy unneeded thing.
I think that some people just enjoy the fashion, but some people need designer bags and things to feel confident, like the feeling of safety or superiority.
I would like to buy only the essential thing.
Mask, because the swine flu
1 Please check children's temperature in everymonrning and everyevening.
2 If you feel sick, please go to the hospital and don't come to school.
3 If you are infected with the new flu, let us know as soon as possible.
We should wear a mask even good health.
I can't believe it. Right now, it's still so humid and hot. Besides the exercise for a field day will start soon! I will come out in my face.
Well, I went to the EON to buy masks.
There were many masks.
I got some masks.After coming back to home, I 'd realized that these masks would throw out, after using.
And what a bad for the environment!
So, I tryed to make a mask from a small cotton gauze.
Making by hand, it gets to be very soft.
I would like to wear it , if the principal doesn't warn me.
My favorite cafe
Today I had lunch with friends at my favorite cafe, "cafe la meal",
which is a very stylish and artistic cafe.
I picked "LOCO MOCOLUNCH" from lunch menues.
It have a hamberg and rice and a cup of cold pumpkin soup and a salad and a cup of coffe and a gateau chocolat.
Well, the charge for this is ¥1,250 , it's around 11$, of course including a tax.
Don't you think it's really cheap?
I think that Japanese price, especially stock price and foods and houses and salary, is cheaper than US.
Maybe, we make a lot of efforts against riging prices.
In US, I was surprised that the expensive rent for the apartment and the astronomical house prices. It's too far removed from a real life of ordinary people.
I think there is an investment culture in US.
But American believe the house is not a necessity for living, but one of the safety asset, and it's never declining.
I felt the difference in culture.
Any way, I'm sure that the Yen is getting stronger.
PS. The population growth is US's strength. I feel the American dream still exist today.
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