
Saturday morning

Saturday morning is my most favorite time.
I get up around 6:30 am, usually 5:30, and I make a breakfast as thinking about nutritional balance and color. Today, there are a organic hot cake made from okara and pear of 1/3 and a yogurt and a cup of cafe au lait. You might ask me, why are you thinking of color? I believe that color is a very useful item to stimulus to us. Good for our feeling and stimulus our appetites.
And I enjoy reading a newspaper as having breakfast, over 1 hour.

The other reason of what I love Saturday morning is that I don't need make up. Usually, I'm light makeup. Even it, I feel some worked for me. When I'm no make up, I can be natural and experience my body relaxing.
My mother and younger sister often advise me to buy more good and much clothes. Sometimes I feel it annoying. Having a lot of clothes is tough for me, because I get to have to think more about my appearance and manage those. I don't attach much importance to appearance.
But recentlly, I've realized, so much people attach much importance to appearance, through discussing at English conversation school, for getting job or good impression and etc.
According to classmate's thought, a lot of people compare themselves to what they see on TV or magagines. I was surprised that they might be helpful for chosing my fashion, but they weren't real life for me.

We say, " Can't be judged by their appearances", but on other front, " Can judge someone based on looks only".

Many Japanese make a lot of efforts to improve their appearance, especially among young generation.
Actually, a talk about a fasion might take a role as making a relationship with friends and establishing theirselves. And they might just enjoy it. More than anything, if you look good, you might feel good by itself. Being improved cosmetically might affect to more wide areas as I thought.
I know, it depends on sense of values. So, I don't need to care about my appearance so much. But, in a sense, If I live in such an image-conscious society, I should be more concerned about my appearance.

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