
5 days holidays

Today, 5 days holidays started!
I have a lot of homework, because I had been tackling worries about students during last few weeks. Any way, I have to do those without complaining.
When I look back at the past several years, I've felt difficulties managing students year and year.

I feel children having some kind of difficulties, like ADHD or lack of social skills or psychological fear, are increasing.
In the other hand, there are so many parents who are earnest for an education for their children. change in society
I think, it is cocktail of several reasons, change in society, like a gap of society and diversification of individual values.
People in matured countries are searching for an enjoyable, easy life.
Surely, we got it, but in the result , we are forced to be hectic lifestiles.
Now, we also are requesting by customers, parents.
Since some time or other, we just attend to their needs. A wide variety of students are in public school. It creates differences of opinions among them.
I realized, I've been exhausted by trying to respond to the request as completely as possible.
I should make a virtue of necessity.

Well, I've complained again!
Generaly, people enjoy making their blog as a communication tool or a place showing themselves.
But, in my case I just write very personal thing, just telling daily life or my thought.
As blogging, I can see myself.
I've believed that wrinting has good effect as a therapy, especially for people pour out their worriesin front of others, like me.
Well, I guess that nurcing plants or painting or making something have also good effect on people relaxed. They are a sense of success in works.

In the end, "pain is forgotten where gain follows."
I don't like such a thinking, want to put something back. But I should change my mind, for reducing my stresses.

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