Fortunately, I'd done efficient a huge amount of jobs, so I could go to my favorite library in Mishima before noon.
Usually, I go to the library every Saturday. I picked up some magagines. Now, there are a lot of events in Novem, I have to prepare that I would be busy as a bee. My stomach might get worse(_).
Well, in the library, I found one DVD, it's "An Inconvenient Truth". I've missed the time I watched it with Sophia, and, I borrowed it.
I watched twice, and I've noticed that my impression changed a little.
Before I was moved by his contribution which spread "global warming" throughout US.
This time, I was impressed by his due consideration. It is like his autobiograhy. What curious me is the beautiful narration and effective projections, encouraged the beautifulication.
However, it is surely that this film imspired American to do push the eco movement.
Of course I do a lot of eco activities. Next time I would like to introduce my movement!
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