The lead character, he is a junior high school boy who has been suffering from bullied.
One day he's gotten one letter, marked "we are family". And he gets some further letters. Letters come from Kojima who is a classmate, she has been also suffring from bullied. Kojima is dressed in shabby clothes on purpose. She identifies her dirty as a sign. He has cross-eye, and he feels inferior by it. She also identify his cross-eye as a sign, it's her bastions.
They can do nothing but follow the serious violence and bullying.
Kojima says about it," we enduring hardship are the justice. Everything consists of the results. There is no right and wrong"
And then, a dedicate friendship grows between them.
However, the consequence was so tragic.
But I didn't feel it by many beautiful and poetic sentences.
It is plain and poetic writing and I've finished to read about 2 hours.
After reading,I've felt bullying and bitter of living about "ヘヴン".
In fact, I've never experienced bullying during school days, but after becoming teacher, I'd sometimes faced the difficulty of bullying.
I think bullying is a social issue. Bully also feel unpeaceful mind. Student's problems mirror the problems of adult society.
And, bitter of living!
When I was a student, I've never thought about such a thing"bitter of living".
If I thought about it, I would fall in the ground swell. Do they really feel like this?
Probably, they have a low self-esteem by bullying.
What am I supported to them? How heal the hurt mind?
They can do nothing but live as holding pain.
Let me know the good way.
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