The highway was so crowded, because now, in only weekend, the highway tolls with a uniform driving charge of 1000Yen, except city area.
I found a lot of cars from other prefectures in the high way parking.
Yesterday, Yukio Hatoyama, be elected prime minister on Sep 16, committed to pursuing a far ambitious goal to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
Speaking at the Asahi World Environment Forum 2009, which opened the same day in Tokyo, he said his administration would aim for an emissions cut of 25 % from 1990 levels by 2020.
It constitutes a contradiction with the manifesto of his party, Democratic party. The highway become free is concluded in the DP’s manifesto.
Even now, there are a lot of increases in traffic in everyhighway. When free highway happens, CO2 emissions will increase very much.
I feel stirring concern, Japanese CO2 emission is only 4.5% of the total, and 41 % of the total number of CO2 are US and China. He shows that Japan will take initiative to achieve the target, to the world. I’m wondering if he has such a strong initiative.
Japan is said that is advanced on eco friendly technologies. If we could d
Any way, I shouldn’t worry too much, and I just expect Japan’s fine progress.
By the way, I found a fun store at the highway parking.
It’s a fruits market, really Ehime. I tried to put early oranges in a small bag for 200Yen.
I felt coming of autumn!
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