
My foreign books

I'm a hard- core fan of Hally Potter.
I have 6 books in a sereies.
From 1 to 3 are good condition and very easy to read.
"Historian" is about a vampire.
It beconed me to go to the Eastern European contries.
I made more remarks in my blog

"Twenties girl " is a very funny and cute story.
I recomend this book for all girls.

"Twilight" and "new moon" are horror fictions.
There are a lot of adrable characters, vampire and wolf man.
But I'm sure that it's a dream of girls.
"blink" is written about the truth of "glimpse".
I'm interesten in some evidences, can tell just by looking or love at first sight,
the baced on the science researches.
"Hole" is a wonder story.
Boys are sended to a prerelease center, are digging holes in a dried up lake.
I'm wondering whether you may think it is real boring
or you can read with great interest.
I want to share our feelings.
I have some other books, "Catcher in the rye" "predictably irrational" "out liers".
I need more time to read books.


Teshima Sense by Chiyoko Todaka on Teshima

When you go down a hill to the sea from "Karatono Shimizu", you can see a pond and a lot of feathery objects dancing on the pond. That’s Chiyoko Todaka’s art work..
The objects are made from plastic fibers. They spin around and swing together in the breeze. Even with no wind, they swing softly. I think they are born from this pond and they don’t have clear form just like atmosphere.
Fortunately, I had a chance to hear about this art work from Chiyoko Todaka
She told me that she wanted to present something inspiring from this place. She said, each place has its own fascination. She believes we can’t explain it, we can only feel it sensuously, and she is happy when people feel it.
From her story, I think that her style is very natural. Now, a lot of artists create art works on purpose, for sale. They might suffer from the gap between the commercial ism to make a living and their instinct as an artist.
I hope that artists’ feelings are chosen over money.

In the Air by Noe Aoki on Teshima

“Karatono Shimizu”which is a famous fountain of Kagawa , is the focus of” in the Air”, Noe Aoki’s art work.
“Karatono Shimizu” is located at the base of Danyama,
Around 1000 years ago, when Kouhoutaishi, a high priest, of the Shingonsyuu, one of the schools of Buddism, came to this place, had thirst and dug in the ground , and then suddenly, fresh water sprung up. Even now, fresh water springs up from this fountain and is used as a local water source and a source for irrigation.
Noe Aoki installed a beautiful panel into the fountain. This panel, which has a lot of mottled circles clipped out of metal, has a design that seems like bubbles.
There is also a sculpture next to the fountain. It is a larged size work over 2 meters, but I didn’t feel it’s weight. It consists of thin iron wires, built in elliptical shapes that look like they are soaring into the air. If you look carefully, it consists of many welded round irons. These shapes also remind me of air and water, and the history of this place, protecting by local residents.Noe Aoki also might be presenting what she saw, and created a fusion of her art work and nature.


1Q84 by Haruki Murakami

I read “1Q84” during this summer vacation. I’m not a fan of Haruki Murakami, but I have been wanting to know why he can capture a lot of people’s heart, especially in the younger generation.
“1Q84” is 3 volumes long. The main characters are 青豆, and 天吾. Now, they are 30years old. They have serious traumas in their background. When they were 11 years old, they made a great impression on each other, but 青豆 moved to other school. They haven’t seen each other for a long time, but they are still interested in the other.
One day, 青豆 did an unusual thing, she was dropped off a high way. At that time, she went into another world, 1Q84. The world of a fanatical group “さきがけ”, and little and little, this group allows 青豆 and 天吾 is destinies to be intertwined.
I’ve heard that the idea of the story came to Haruki Murakami, when he saw what happen on September 11th. If September 11th hadn’t occurred, we now might be living in another world. When I imagine that, I’ve felt that my existence is intangible.
Well, the fanatical group in the book, reminds me of “Oumu Shinrikyou”, Japanese cult religion committed to crime, like the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack. In this other world, the group has a great power, and 青豆 is pursued by this back, because she killed the reader of “さきがけ”.
After reading, I’m reminded of two things.
One is utopia. I know that the Tokyo subway sarin gas attack greatly influenced Haruki Murakami. Still now, all over the world, a lot of people pursue utopia, and believe they can create a perfect utopia? Each of us has different views and minds, if we try to create a perfect utopia, we have to push ourselves very severely. I’m afraid that people living in such a severe world, not a peaceful, might lose their minds. And, is that the really peaceful world? I’m sorry that people wish so enthusiastically that they can’t live in the utopia
The other thing is that I’ve felt something different from his past novels. The main character of his book always pursues something he whishes, but he never finds out it. There is just a small hope in the end.
I had been thinking that the main theme of his novels is sense of desolation and loss.
When I read his book at the first time, I was confused by a lot of riddles and complicated minds of characters, and I got scared the loneliness. I might identify a life of character as myself.
But a lot of people say, "when I read his novels, I can sympathize with his world", they might feel secure to know the same ways they do. Any way, I need more to hear from a fan of Haruki Murakami.
In his past novels, I often hit a lot of riddles. But, I could read “1Q84” more smoothly than I expected.
After reading “1Q84”, I’m not completely satisfied with the end of the story. I think that I wasn’t the only one.


"Father memory" by Chiharu Shiota on Teshima

Chiharu Shiota, who was born in Osaka in 1972, has been based in Berlin
since 1996.
Her art work, “Father memory” is installed in an abandoned Auditorium. Many years ago it was used as an elementary school, Which many people attended. The school building was destroyed,
and only the auditorium and some rusty play equipment still remain.

When she visited there the first time, she might have imagined the sound of children laughing and people: rice planting and harvesting rice. This place is where old memories can be conjured up in our mind.

For creating the work, she gathered from 500 to 600 various types of window frames from Teshima and Naoshima, to make a big tunnel with assorted window frames in the middle of the auditorium. When you stand in the play ground, and to look at the auditorium, you can see the idyllic scene through the big hole of the tunnel.
The scene might inspire you to think of the past, where people have seen at one time.
When close to the tunnel, the window frames are arranged in a very fine balance; big and small, dark color and light color, and even space balance. I think that she has a good sense of art.
All of a sudden, I remembered the time which I saw her art work ” the room of memory” in the Kanazawa 21th century museum.
In there, huge window frames, painted white, were combined like a wall, and it created a distinctive world.
I’d felt like wandering into the past, where it was quiet and time was stopped. Actually, I could see the past through each window frame.
Window frames are daily products we use. I was surprised that window frames, not such special things, could cause us a great impression.

When I’ve faced her art works, some how, I’ve evoked my worries and aaaaaaaaathe room of memory 2009
loneliness and the limited time of my life. In my busy day, time goes so fast, and I don’t even think about it. I need to realize the remaining time, to live a more meaningful life.


"島キッチン" Shima Kitchen by Ryo Abe on Teshima

In the Setouchi art festival, a lot of new art spots have been created on many islands, especially on Teshima. This island is of great importance due to the 17 art works created there.
A restaurant, “ Shima Kitchen ” was planned on Teshima as a place, where residents, volunteers and tourists, can talk, enjoy music or watch a play. Shima Kitchen was designed by the architect, Ryo Abe.
He made the whole house over and built an unique terrace with burned cedar roofs. I washed the roofs as a volunteer. It was very hard work. Shima Kitchen is well designed, very simple but successfully integrates the old and new.
Shima Kitchen was built encompassing the living trees around it.
I like that style.
We use a lot of materials, lands, trees, clay, stone, to build a living space. We human beings just consume a lot of things from nature, but I think that we’re usually getting power from nature, I believe we can coexist with nature.
The symbolic tree at Shima Kitchen is the fig. The fig has a meaning of immortality. I hope to live long, and with all living nature.
The main menu of Shima kitchen is a Keema curry, some how, women living in Teshima have been cooking Keema curry, and it has become a local food of Teshima.. To Shima kichen, famous chefs have come from "Tokyo Marunouchi Hotel", and every day they are planning the menu based on the available food. Some local women and volunteers are helping by serving.
When I’m sitting at the terrace of Shima Kitchen, I remember my old working place, a rural backwoods area where a lot of people had lived at one time. In Japan, due to urbanization, local areas have been suffering from a declining population.
This has caused the change of family form and the loss of their local cultures and demise of local communities. Through volunteering, I became to reflect on thing, what is a good point of our local community, and what I can do for my local area, and I’ve realized that I should decide where I’ll live.
Now, Shima Kitchen is a bustling and hot spot on Teshima, because there are a lot of attractive elements; a well-designed restaurant, famous chefs and the art festival.
During this art festival, I hope that the people living on Teshima gather and discuss Teshima’s future.


"Luck Exists in the Leftovers" by Clair Healy & Sean Cordeiro on Teshima

Claire and Sean have been working fifty-fifty in Austallia and Germany.
Their collaborative art work is "Luck Exists in the Leftovers".

Their art work is in a very beautiful old house, covered by ivy. When you go through the gate, you will see large holes in the ground. Huge soils splash around holes, like coming out something from the holes. A stone passage leads to the narrow entrance of the house. The entrance hall is dim, just a simple earth floor. Looking to the right, a fossil dinosaur caruches your eye.

It is really just a fossile dinosaur, but looks on the verge of moving.
The dinasour is bonded with tons of fixtures and boxes. The boxes used were used and forgotten, the regidents gathered for this project.
At one viewing, you can imagine all kinds of stories; like an exacavated dinosaur entered the old house, and bond with old posessions to gain strength.
At the begining, I just enjoyed to imagine this story. After talking with Claire and Sean, I was suprised that they had more deepl thoughts for their art work.

There are a lot of beautiful abandoned houses, and in them. there are also large amounts of possesions, funiture, plates and utensils, kimonos・・・・. They still have worth, they hace just been forgotten. Claire and Sean give people opputunity to rethink the vaule of these possessions. The other side of the coin is that the value varies according to times or individuals.

They have been creating art works which relate to social issues, like mass production and consumption or environmental issues.
We usually buy easily, without considering. But We don't need such a lot of things to live. We may waste precious resorces. When we rethink what we need, we can find out what we really need.
I hope people, like artists, architects, producers, creating smething, aaaaaaaDeceased Estate 2004
to have these idea, why, or for what porpose.
I believe they can promote these idea to students and the world.

Well, Their art work is in Kou of Teshima.
Fortunately, you can look some happy accidents, cactus on every where or swallow babies. you also may give some fortunes.


"Harmonica" by Sue Pedley on Teshima

Sue Pedley's art work is my first volunteer activity.
The title of Sue's art work is "Harmonica".
Sue based in Australia, she became popular in Japan after the sucess of the Tumari art festival in 2009.

When Sue visited an old house in Teshima, there were tons of possessions: furniture, a sewing machine, plates, cups, utensils, and the goods necessary for everyday life; which a family lhad eft in the old house. They remain in there, like waiting for their owner to come back.
There were many handmade clothes and fabric in the closets and chests. They were made and collected for the family by some woman. Family memories was etched in everything. When Sue opened one closet, she heared the sound of a hamonica, like it was telling the family is memories.

I think that she was inspired by this closet, connecting the past and the present, the family and her.
She started to try to make a huge net for covering the old house, and wraped all plates and cups in fabric. A lot of people; Sue, local residents and volunteers, took part in this project, telling about their own stories.
While knitting the net, they also enhanced their relationship. It was the restoration of a local community and the creation of a new volunteer community.

Now, the old house, covered by the net, is standing on the high land in Kou of Teshima, holding the family's memorilia. It is looking to the sea, beatiful and calm.
On the first encounter, I expected a double meaning, harmonica and harmony, from the title "harmonica". And that is what I found.


Setouch international art festival 2010

The 19th of July, Setouch international art festival 2010 has started!
The art festival is at Kagawa in Japan until October 31. There are a lot of fine contemporary art works.

I'm taking part in this art festival as a volunteer. It's the first time in my life I join the volunteer in a serious stance. Suprisingly, this art festival is supported by a lot of volunteers. Though, we couldn't have these many fine art works at Kagawa. This volunteer activity by local people would help for their local community, to look the local good points and reconstruct the community. I can learn a lot about the new point of views from new world and friends.

Still now, I'm enjoying a volunteer life on weekends.


"neoteny Japan" in Ehime prefecture

I visited the art museum of Ehime on May 16, to see a exhibition " neoteny japan". It seemed to be great success. The exhibiton came from a personal collection, Ryutarou Takahashi. He is a psychiatrist. He selected art works under the theme of "neoteny" from his collection.

There were a lot of fine art works of known artists.
Takashi Murakami.
Yoshimoto Nara.
Atuhiko Misawa.
Makoto Aida etc.
The artists belong to contemporary art. The thing that really strucked me the most was what a richly rewarded by the variety of art creations were there.
I think that one of secrets to success in this exhibition was the theme of "neoteny". Even neoteny, they had strong identities. Therefore, there were mature and fragile sences, it mirrored the problems of adult society.
Well, and I noticed that some artists had created some artworks in several ways, like painting, movie, sculpture and music etc, to express their world.

For example, Tomoko Kouike, when I entered a small room through a gate, a lot of people were standing in the middle of the room, there was a very large painting of "wolves and a girl"in the facade, a silver wolf object on left. When looked back to right, I saw a picture on the celling. It was a movie of the same theme, "wolves and a girl", and the whole room was filled with flashing light.
I was like I wanderd into an another world. I was sure I got into her world.

I've felt that art came to evolve.
Previously, Artists like painter and sculptor and musician, existed together. But recently, they get to blur into each other.
To express their world, the way doesn't matter. I feel important that what a sense of values can generate.
Some time ago, art gave us an emotional experience and it represented the beauty and power.
Later, we could get in something from art.
And now, art may try to make new worlds. I think that art would become a new amusement like game or trip or wisdom. In these mature society, we might require something special, even for art. And I've found art in demand. I'm looking forward to seeing the future of art.


"書道ガールズ" in Shikokutyuou city

“書道ガールズ”, the title of a Japanese movie, it means “girls learning Shodo”, will be released on May 15 in 2010. This movie is based on a true success story in my hometown, Shikokutyuou city. My hometown is located in the middle of Shikoku island, south west of Japan. Paper manufacturing is the town’s major industry, but now it has been declining from the severe international competition. Young people went to city, and the town became stagnant. The story is set in a high school in the town, my old high school. A new teacher comes to the school. He gets to work on 書道部, Shodo club, Japanese Calligraphy club. All players are women. They all have good skill, but no confidence and no hope. One day, the captain of Shodo girls saw the teacher writing, it was the new style of Shodo while dancing to music. They start to practice this dancing Shodo. Before long, they get to enjoy Shodo from the heart and have confidence. They become to try to do this performance for citizens. They decide to take part in the national contest. Please see the movie for more information.
Shodo is the art of drawing characters with a brush and India ink called sumi. When I was a student, a lot of girls were learning about Shodo. Of course, I did. At that time it was not special. We ought to have proud of Shodo as a Japanese culture. In these days, Shodo seems very cool skill. I’m amazed to see how different it is, as taking things in a different direction. I think that it is important to improve the image, good looking and hot and smart image, through some media.
In addition, 紫舟, hot Shodo artist who is famous for writing the title of “龍馬伝”, is from Shikokutyuou city. Such good news brings life to us. All citizens with the mayor in the lead help to promote this movie. I enjoy this movement like an event. Now, the Shodo teacher moved to a university as a Shodo professor. He seems to be very nice person, besides handsome. I heard that some Shodo girls went to his university. This is also a real story.


"新参者 newcomer " by Keigo Higashino

I've met a really good book after so long. It is "Shinzanmono", the title means "newcomer", written by Keigo Higashino.
He is one of popular novelists in Japan. Recently every his book became a beseller. So, I'd thought that he would be a popular fiction writer. But "Shinzanmono" exceeded my expectation.
In Nihonbashi, the downtown in Tokyo, one woman who lived alone was murdered by strangulation.
She was a newcomer to Nihonbashi. Nobody knew a lot about her. But as a detective hearing the views of relevant people, the truths are emerging clearly.
The atractive hero appears in this book. That's the detective. He is also a newcomer. He trys to restore the twisted relations between characters. His method is not direct, very considerate. He makes them found out the truth by themselves. There was a human kindness we had forgotten. I'm delighted to learn that there are still in Tokyo in these free sociaty. Rather, that may be the thing we really want.
After reading, I got to want to do something for my loved people.
Now, this book is my best recommend book in 2009.


Yuki Ogura: A Retrospective

I went to Kobe to see the Yuki Ogura : a retrospective with my friend.
I wanted to see the Hyogo Prefecrural Museum of Art. It was designed by Tadao Ando who is a leading Japanese architect. I've become a fan of his art works since I went to the Benesse Art Site Naoshima. I'd felt to get lost in another time era. It was built up by a lot of fine buildings.
Refer to Naoshima for http://www.naoshima-is.co.jp/
Well, the Hyougo Prefectural Museum of Art is also a successful building. There are wide open spaces and glass-walls and bare concrete walls, they create a cold atmosphere.

Yuki Ogura is a known nihonga painter(1895 - 2000). The famous features of her art works are soft curve line and light tone and pictures of human. Especialy, I've felt comforted by pictures of women, very attractive and adrable.
Even thoug they are nihonga, her works contain the elements of abstract painting. Some art works at a given moment look like "Henri Matisse" very famous french painter. Sometimes very detailed and sometimes very knocked down description create a lively scene.

Thinly-layered clear colors is a good point of nihonga. Her signature color is a translucent light emerald green. They all really moved me, I think that nobody could do these beautiful color and detailed description except her.


Twenties girl by Sophie Kinsella

I've read this book at the recommendation of Josh, my English teacher. I' d really enjoyed this humorous, charming story.

This story's main character is Lara. Lara is an ordinary girl except her uncle, he has built up a big coffee company. Lara has just lost her love and failed her job. One day Lara meets a ghost at her aunt's funeral ceremony. Her name is Sadie, she is just Lara's aunt. She importunes Lara to search her necklace, lovely dragonfly and limestone beaded necklace. She has been holding a sad love story with a painter. At the end, all mysteries are going to the one answer. The story is set up by a lot of well thought pieces.

After reading, I'm wondering why there are a lot of feel-good victorious stories in US. I think that this is good to adapt the novel for the screen.
I'm sure that this is a very fantastic story, and perfect for a change.


ほかならぬ人へ by Kazufumi Shiraishi

This book was awarded the 142 Naoki prize in 2010. Its theme is "Who is the soul mate?"
The central character, Akio is born in the elite family, and he has been suffering from his mediocrity. He gets married to one beautiful woman who is also ordinary, against the family's will.
But, one day, he is betrayed by her. In the truth, she has been loving the former lover.
He'd realized that she wasn't the his fate. During his tough time, one coworker, Toukai had been hearing his sufferings. And he got to be more interested in her.
In the end, there was a sad farewell.

It is a short story which is written with light touch.
After reading, I've developed a feeling of emptiness about love.
Actually, many people must enjoy the love, moment to moment. This is a real world in Japan.
But I still hope to meet my fate who loves only me. In reality, I should be more practical about love.



Since I heard the reputation of "Twilight" in US last summer, I had wanted to read it.
After reading, I've understood the cause of "Twilight boom". I'm convinced that this book was written for young girl's.
In Japan, there are some famous idol groups who girls get crazy. And this boom is spreading to Asian countries, like Korea or Taiwan or Veit nam. I think that such a generation, adolescent children need something that fasionates them. But in US, untill now, there was no idol who young girls get crazy.
There are all kinds of items which fasinate girls, danger and handsome boy and endless love and forbidden love with this book.
The story begins with the heroine's move, to a bit mysterious town. Her name is Bella. She meets with a boy, incredibly good-looking, and she falls in love with him. But in fact he was a vampire. She was an ordinary girl in former town, but in this mysterious town, she suddenly becomes popular. This is a dream of every ordinary girl.
This story is written from Bella'spoint of view. So, as reading, girls would identify theirselves with Bella and they might feel to fall in love with him.
Interestingly, "Twilight" is really leaving from the real world. Girls would realize "this is just a story". So, this boom may not last for a long time, like a Japanes idol phenomenon.
And I'm looking forward to seeing what the last scene will come.


Fish-shaped cake

Today, I've seen a giggle at a food stand in a grocery store. It was a very very small fish-shaped cake.
We call it "Taiyaki" which filled with some kinds of stuffings, sweet red paste or chocolate or custard cream. Basically, one Taiyaki is the same size of my hand, but this small one was only my little finger size.I was really impressed by cook's work!
People say, " When fall into a recession, Taiyaki will become popular". Because unemployed people have to begin a business for getting money. The fish-cake stand is very easy to become a business, it's OK with small seed money and easy skill. And sales of Taiyaki will also become well, because we must be satified with only one fish-shaped cake, very cheap.
This very small fish couldn't make me fulled, but I really enjoyed it.



During last week, I had been having an uneasy feeling, so I was always cooking.
Well, this is a basic raw caramel candy. After getting this skill, I often make varieties of caramel candies, and present them to my friends.
Now, in Japan, some how,“caramel taste” become a popular.
I think it is also influenced by financial crisis. After that, I've seen a lot of interesting booms in Japan, activities for marriage, SNS, twitter, self-catering, caramel, etc.
I’m one of riding on these booms.


Recently, I’ve often heard about e-book in the news. I ‘m a book lover. I have been waiting to see it for a long time, but I’ve never seen it in electric goods stores.
In fact, few years ago, some electric companies have once tried to enter the e-book market , but failed and bailed out of it,
why didn’t it become a popular in Japan?
And what happened from now on?
When they produced it in 2004, there were some devices in the market, DS(Nintendo), electric-dictionary and cell phone, and especially, cell phone has the same features as e-book.
I think that the reason cell phone wins is high-functions.
Usually, Japanese cell phone has very highly-functions which can use handheld texts and music and Web. Just at that time, Japanese younger generation got to be crazy for thumb novel. Their services were overlapping. In the end, consumer has chosen more convenience one.
Now, tastes are growing diverse, if they would try again, they might become successful. But I'm concerned about it.
It is due to differences between English and Japanese. In Japanese we can figure out a lot of information with less view, because of Kanji character. Kanji is shaped by picture, if I don’t know one Kanji phrase, we can imagine the meaning from each Kanji character. So then, we tend to prefer the good visual effects, even to books. In addition, we tend to describe with less words.
So I think, it would be difficult to get the win, like in US.
I’m convinced that enriched softwares will decide their future. When I read English books, I really think that English is difficult for reading, because, a lot of alike and meaningless line words. There is serious for poor readers, like foregner and Dyslexia and sight-dimmed eyes people.
I think there is in here the basic need, for the development of the software, to educate English and to facilitate visualization with emphasis or reading assistance tools or the screen good for eyes.
Also, they still have copyright issues. I'm ofeten impressed by effots of Japanese companies, but it would be difficult to solve these kinds of issues by only a company, so it’s important to cooperate with other companies, like Google and Amazon, Microsoft and Yahoo. By doing this, if the new wave will come, they could change their systems for it.
Well, very recently, I’ve heard that some newspapers were forced to cease their publications. Drying up completely, I’ll really miss it. Reading newspaper is the most favarite things in the morning. The publishing industry will also face the powerful tide of change in society. I'm wondering what kind of world will be coming!


Japan was overwhelmed by cold.

Today I saw snow! It's not inherently bad, I like it, but I had a PE class at the outdoor for a marathon event on next week. It was too cold to speak well, and my skin was so dry and my hands were numbed. I need more warmly clothed.
Well, this change in climate is thought to be caused by global warming. Once the process is going to the one side, then the rewind will occur like a clock hand. It will become unstable climate.
But I'm convinced that goloval warming is progress steadily.



January and February is the most comfortable season. I can have 1 or 2 hours as free time at home. So, in the meantime, I would like to enjoy TV programs, because someone say, I’m a bit far removed from the practical world.
Well, today some how, my interesting programs are concentrated in 10 pm.
My DVD can record only 1 program. I’m wondering what I should watch?
Today’s sweet is a piece of Baumkuchen. Though people are talking about Roll cake in Japan, I prefer Barmkuchen to it. I’m very happy.

Going into a market

How should you do for going into a market?
When you have a good idea and found a company, even good idea, it’s not easy to enter the market and new area.
Of course, the first people will get a great advantage without pain. But in many times, we have to go into the market already reigned by someone. It means " fight them for a share of the market".
Few years ago, I have seen an interesting competitive war in Japanese cell phone market.
In Japan, Cell phone has become popular since 1990’s.
At the beginning, “Docomo” cell phone company, NTT-independent dominated the cell phone market. After relaxation of regulations, various companies were entering this market. And now, some companies coexist together. “au” and ”soft bank” have succeeded to get some share.

Docomo 48%
au 27%
Softbank 19%
2009. 12
Why they could eat away at the Docomo realm?
Stylish design is the commonality among them and they have distinctiveness. “au ”is strong for music, and ”soft bank” is very cheap and tie with iphone. Especially, “soft bank” have been promoting an effective advertising program, and be success only for 2 years.

Strategies for going into the market summarized as follows
, research what demand and needs are there. They depend upon their culture and history, and adjust to them.
Second, make the originality. It would become a major benefit for competitive success, and even in the same field, you would be able to coexist peacefully with other companies.
Third, display your concerning. now, there is no inferior product in technologically advanced society. So, we attached importance to the cost and convenience, more than performance. Unprofessional people don’t know detail than professional person think. It is important to promote simply and clearly to stand out in people.
Finally, Good image would be valued more than anything. Good image is shaped by good appearance and smart concept going along at the time. Interestingly, how many people judge something by looks.

Well, I’m looking forward to seeing new interesting share competition.


3 day holidays

During 3 day holidays, I met some friends and contacted some friends, I had fun. But I got to become unstable.
So, this evening I knitted a coaster. And I got settled.

The policy of letting the yen fall in value

On January 7th, the financial minister Kan spoke that he will tolerate the lower yen. The maket recognized it as the policy of letting the yen fall in value on foreign exchange markets and the yen keeps weakening into 92yen.
Now, people have been discussing about the goverment intervention.
In my opinion, it's not fair policy. Japanese goverment tend to support the major companies. They depend on exports. Actually they make most of the profits, but Japan is also a resourceless country. If the yen go more weakening, the rising price of materials will happens. It means a real inflation, rather it is down in the value of the yen.
Besides, when the yen become lower, stocks will lift up regardless of riging GDP, because bringing in some foreign exchange. And business might be beginning to pick up by good mood.
I'm wondering if that is the best way.
Japan has a huge amount of govement bonds, the debt ration has reached 217% for GDP. It is the worst in the world, even America is 82%. Well, why Japanese goverment bond wouldn't tumble down, because it was trusted by Japanese companies as being outstanding through the world and Japanese huge savings, it's said to reach 1400 trillion yen. The real inflasion means the exploitation of Japanese property.
Recently, I was often impressed with the good service from bussiness efforts, but I got to hear a news which drop out from a price-cutting war. Export industries such as car and electric companies are the major industry in Japan. They got profits by exports and they always need the demand. Now, everyone goes to China and, after that will go to Africa. I wonder that we have to serch for new market for ever, what one would require to for the future?
I guess that the good point of Japanese is the trust, so Japanese bank or insurance company or walfare also could become a grobal service. They have a manual for aging society. Even emerging contries eventually go to it, especially in China, it will come soon.
In addition, in Japan, there is a need for law, such as consultation about contract and bond. We think that it is necessary a lot of money and time for the trial, but the trial is originally for the solution of problems. I guess, if it become quickly and cheaply and come in useful, that's bussiness will grow up.
Well, I bear no immediate relationship to these issues, but such a thing will have indirect effects on our life, and I can't see my whole life ahead of me, and I feel less secure.
After the budget cut, Japanese goverment spoke that they attached importance to science and tecnology. And then they should invest our budget in it. I wish the Japanese goverment would keep trying for the new future with far-sighted policies.


永遠の仔 ” Eternal child” by Arata Tendou

When I read "告白confession", I remenbered " 永遠の仔eternal child".
It was written by Arata Tendou in 1993, and has sold around 1.3 million copies and was featured in TV drama in 2000.
The story set in Ehime, and revolves around 3 characters raised in an orphanage, who try to live as suffering total trauma from childhood abuse. The sentence is very sophisticated and detail and well worth reading. And they end in disaster. Two die tragically, and the last person has to live alone with more deeply trauma. I got deeply depressed.
In fact, I know this orphanage, an actual hospital. When I was in a graduate school, I often visited there to meet a girl having a mental problem like them. She was a very beautiful and fragile person, so then she had been suffering from her backgraund. At that time, I was just a student studying psychology, so I couldn't do special, just listen and be near her. After graduating, I had been concerned about how she was. Very recently, I was delighted to hear from a psychiatrist that she was well.
I know, there are people who grow up in unpropitious environment, as hating to do it, but go in for crime. It's not only their faults. I want to believe that everyone can start over any number of times and any time. It is necessary that he has an strong and unshaken heart.
According to psycology, it is made up by a kind of love, selfless love, usually we give it from our mother. Though you couldn't give it, you should give it from someone who love you without seeking return.
When I read a book, I find out something from it. Sometimes it was a new point of view, sometimes it was a new experience. I would hope book was a hope. If I try to find a hope in this book, it would be the strengh from the last person has to live alone.

告白”confession” by Kanae Minato

This book was elected the best recomended book by bookstores, and will be made into a film in 2010.
The beginning of the story starts off with a woman teacher at a high school confessing a crime which her daughter was killed.
She says to her students, "There is a murder(murders) in you ", and she trys to hunt down them.
The story is described in people involved of the crime, very clearly and lively. It is not only simple, but also polished style, even junior hight schoolstudent can enjoy it. Besides, there are a lot of ideas, elements of mystery, a dramatic development and ingenuity and unlooked-for last scence. I 'd much fun the first.

But, after reading, I have something on my mind.
It was the last scence, I'm wondering why criminal is never helped, no chance to reform. Especially, about the main killer. He had been also suffering from a mental problem, from his background, abondoned by his mother. I believe that everyone has everyon's existence value. I wanted to see a hope even for the cruel criminal.



Today I had a lot of meetings with co-workers for the third term.
So, yesterday I made festive cookies and candies for celebrating the new term with co-workers. Cookie is "PORUBORONE", it's eaten on holiday in Spain. They were very crumbly. I couldn't wrap, so I served them just on a plane dish. But I got very nice comments than I expected.
Candy tastes honey and ginger. It became a soft than I expected. It isn't for children, but for adult, because I put good meaning ingredients, honey and ginger, in it. it's good for topic.
I also brought sweets to English class, I wish that they would enjoy it.
During cooking, my mother was watching me beyond criticism. Sometimes she says to me, "You tend to go to express for others".
I know that.
I just like to share happiness with loving people.
Gift is not sending goods, but expressing my thanks, so good heart is the most important.
It's true that I have some very sad memory about money. Of course, I know, I need money for living, but I don't need a lot of money.
And I want to do something that's doing for other people.
Any way, it's doing it because I think it's going to be fun. I'm sure!


Historian by Elizabeth Kostove

Finally, I've finished reading "Histrian". It took so long time, because it was very long long story for me. But, I really enjoyed it.
This book was written by Elizabeth Kostove, American, she won the 2003 Hopwood Award for this novel, and this will be made into a movie in 2010.
The Historian deals with a young woman searching for her father who is in turn searching for the grave of Vlad the Impaler (the inspiration for Dracula).
Vlad Ⅲmade famous in the Bram Stoker's fictional Dracula(1958), was a real person. the supposed connections between Vlad Ⅲand Bram's Dracula attracted popular attention. During his main reign (1456–1462), he is said to have killed from 40,000 to 100,000 European civilians and 100,000 Ottoman, mainly by using his favourite method of impaling them on a sharp pole.He was a hero scared Ottoman, but on other front he was a bloody dictator. The fear from the inhumanity of the matter was long remembered by the people and would pass into legend.Later, every time when plague was striken people, they would remember it.
The story span three generation. All is the historian. It was narrative and lyrical poetry text, especially, the old and histrical cities in Eastern Europe were described very detail and beautiful.
Most characters were scholars. You will give a grimpse into the academic circles.
And in my opinion, the most exciting part was the scene of chacing the true monestery be burried Dracula.
I bemoan the scences of meeting with Dracula and the cause of floosing Rosshi's memory. Even by these long story, it was too short to discribe the Dracula's mystery.
When make a movie of it, I hope that they tell the story of that's part in detail.
Well, why now, at the end of a century of scientific advance, Dracula is becoming popular in America?
I'm convince that comes from the financial cricis in 2009. Well, how about 1958( which Dracula's movie became a hit. )? 1958 was in the middle of not only the high economic growth, but also the Cold War era and before the Berlin Blockade. People would be perturebed about the world affairs, in between two extremes, and they might feel some indefinable anxieties.
I've realized, now is the one of these eras.
In fact, I read the Japanese translation of this novel, because of winter vacation. I prefer the original to the translation. It became too feel tight, caused by the correct trabslation.
Well, next I'll try to read "twilight", it is also a vampire story and become so popular in America.
I'd like enjoy reading!

New year greeting card

One of the pleasures of this New Years holiday will be receiving greeting cards with friend's photo on them.
They might change little by little, but pictures brought me back the scene of old days.
In this year, I post my e-mail and blog address on my card, and then some friends send mails to me and promised to coming to Ehime. It was a good thing that I post it.
Well, today I visited my friend's new house, I knew it from her new years card.
There was a home theater in their living. It was made to order. What a gorgeous!
Building a house or picking up household goods seems to be having fun!
And she cooked lunch for me, until now, it was my role.
Besides, her cooking skill improved, beautiful kitchen would motivate her to cook.
It may be important to start from the form.
If you keep doing anything long enouh, you can experience almost before you realize it.



Today I went to Matsuyama to go shopping with my sister. Many stores already started winter sales. From Jan.2 or more early, it's getting to be early year and year.
We went around the city for the two hours or the three hours.
My sister is particular about her appearances.
She picked out very quickly and a lot of clouthes, besides as thinking total-coordinate with them she has. It's an astonishing ability.
I am diametric opposite. Basically, I like simple and natural style.
And I don't like to buy a lot of things.
Usually, I buy something what I really want.
After deep contemplation, I bought a pair of black boots with some advice from my sister. It was 2,2500yen. It was not cheap, but I'm OK, that is exactly what I needed it. If I bought a fake leather or at the shopping center, I could be less money. I buy not only in high-priced shops, but also mail order or UNICLO. I decide if it is right for my needs, price and quality and purpose.
I think this is the value judgment.
In the end, though I was supposed to buy some clothes, that was all. Perhaps I got satisfied with it.
On my way back, we dropped at a nice italian restrant, and take lunch.
My sister made an unique toy made from straw's paper. She is unexpectedly skillful with her fingers.
Well, I had a good time at Mid Matsuyama in a while.


New Year's holiday's

During New year holiday's, many people retun home from the city. And my sibling's families came back to my home.
I was really looking forward to seeing them, but I had to stick to cook traditional New Year's food's dishes for them. Recently, it became easier than before, because many modern wives can't take such an enough time for cook. It is called "osechi." I'm a good cook, but it was not easy work.
The foods that make up osechi each have a special meaning associated with good luck.
For example, black beans wish for hard work, herring roe are for being gifted with children, lobsters are for long life, etc.
And we eat a zouni which rice cakes boiled in vegetable soup.
A wide variety of ingredients used for zoni are particular to the region where it's made. In the Kansai area, people enjoy a zoni miso soup, while a plain zoni soup is popular in Kanto.
The ingredients of zouni depend on the region, farm harvest is different by location. So, traditional foods will be opened to each region's life and culture and history.
And, I gave a New Year's monetary gift to my loved niece. we call it Otoshidama. It is one of the happy events for children during the New Year holidays. I can't betray the expectation of her.
Finally, I got a gift from my brother. It was a lucky charm. I've realized Japanese is very superstitious. But I'm OK as long as everyone's happy. I just wish my loved people's happiness in 2010.