When you have a good idea and found a company, even good idea, it’s not easy to enter the market and new area.
Of course, the first people will get a great advantage without pain. But in many times, we have to go into the market already reigned by someone. It means " fight them for a share of the market".
Few years ago, I have seen an interesting competitive war in Japanese cell phone market.
In Japan, Cell phone has become popular since 1990’s.
At the beginning, “Docomo” cell phone company, NTT-independent dominated the cell phone market. After relaxation of regulations, various companies were entering this market. And now, some companies coexist together. “au” and ”soft bank” have succeeded to get some share.
Docomo 48%
au 27%
Softbank 19%
2009. 12
Why they could eat away at the Docomo realm?
Stylish design is the commonality among them and they have distinctiveness. “au ”is strong for music, and ”soft bank” is very cheap and tie with iphone. Especially, “soft bank” have been promoting an effective advertising program, and be success only for 2 years.
Strategies for going into the market summarized as follows
First, research what demand and needs are there. They depend upon their culture and history, and adjust to them.
Second, make the originality. It would become a major benefit for competitive success, and even in the same field, you would be able to coexist peacefully with other companies.
Third, display your concerning. now, there is no inferior product in technologically advanced society. So, we attached importance to the cost and convenience, more than performance. Unprofessional people don’t know detail than professional person think. It is important to promote simply and clearly to stand out in people.
Finally, Good image would be valued more than anything. Good image is shaped by good appearance and smart concept going along at the time. Interestingly, how many people judge something by looks.
Well, I’m looking forward to seeing new interesting share competition.
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