Their collaborative art work is "Luck Exists in the Leftovers".
Their art work is in a very beautiful old house, covered by ivy. When you go through the gate, you will see large holes in the ground. Huge soils splash around holes, like coming out something from the holes. A stone passage leads to the narrow entrance of the house. The entrance hall is dim, just a simple earth floor. Looking to the right, a fossil dinosaur caruches your eye.
The dinasour is bonded with tons of fixtures and boxes. The boxes used were used and forgotten, the regidents gathered for this project.
At one viewing, you can imagine all kinds of stories; like an exacavated dinosaur entered the old house, and bond with old posessions to gain strength.
At the begining, I just enjoyed to imagine this story. After talking with Claire and Sean, I was suprised that they had more deepl thoughts for their art work.
There are a lot of beautiful abandoned houses, and in them. there are also large amounts of possesions, funiture, plates and utensils, kimonos・・・・. They still have worth, they hace just been forgotten. Claire and Sean give people opputunity to rethink the vaule of these possessions. The other side of the coin is that the value varies according to times or individuals.

We usually buy easily, without considering. But We don't need such a lot of things to live. We may waste precious resorces. When we rethink what we need, we can find out what we really need.
I hope people, like artists, architects, producers, creating smething, aaaaaaaDeceased Estate 2004
to have these idea, why, or for what porpose.
I believe they can promote these idea to students and the world.
Fortunately, you can look some happy accidents, cactus on every where or swallow babies. you also may give some fortunes.
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