“Karatono Shimizu” is located at the base of Danyama,
Around 1000 years ago, when Kouhoutaishi, a high priest, of the Shingonsyuu, one of the schools of Buddism, came to this place, had thirst and dug in the ground , and then suddenly, fresh water sprung up. Even now, fresh water springs up from this fountain and is used as a local water source and a source for irrigation.
Noe Aoki installed a beautiful panel into the fountain. This panel, which has a lot of mottled circles clipped out of metal, has a design that seems like bubbles. 
There is also a sculpture next to the fountain. It is a larged size work over 2 meters, but I didn’t feel it’s weight. It consists of thin iron wires, built in elliptical shapes that look like they are soaring into the air. If you look carefully, it consists of many welded round irons. These shapes also remind me of air and water, and the history of this place, protecting by local residents.Noe Aoki also might be presenting what she saw, and created a fusion of her art work and nature.

There is also a sculpture next to the fountain. It is a larged size work over 2 meters, but I didn’t feel it’s weight. It consists of thin iron wires, built in elliptical shapes that look like they are soaring into the air. If you look carefully, it consists of many welded round irons. These shapes also remind me of air and water, and the history of this place, protecting by local residents.Noe Aoki also might be presenting what she saw, and created a fusion of her art work and nature.
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