
My foreign books

I'm a hard- core fan of Hally Potter.
I have 6 books in a sereies.
From 1 to 3 are good condition and very easy to read.
"Historian" is about a vampire.
It beconed me to go to the Eastern European contries.
I made more remarks in my blog

"Twenties girl " is a very funny and cute story.
I recomend this book for all girls.

"Twilight" and "new moon" are horror fictions.
There are a lot of adrable characters, vampire and wolf man.
But I'm sure that it's a dream of girls.
"blink" is written about the truth of "glimpse".
I'm interesten in some evidences, can tell just by looking or love at first sight,
the baced on the science researches.
"Hole" is a wonder story.
Boys are sended to a prerelease center, are digging holes in a dried up lake.
I'm wondering whether you may think it is real boring
or you can read with great interest.
I want to share our feelings.
I have some other books, "Catcher in the rye" "predictably irrational" "out liers".
I need more time to read books.

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