
"Harmonica" by Sue Pedley on Teshima

Sue Pedley's art work is my first volunteer activity.
The title of Sue's art work is "Harmonica".
Sue based in Australia, she became popular in Japan after the sucess of the Tumari art festival in 2009.

When Sue visited an old house in Teshima, there were tons of possessions: furniture, a sewing machine, plates, cups, utensils, and the goods necessary for everyday life; which a family lhad eft in the old house. They remain in there, like waiting for their owner to come back.
There were many handmade clothes and fabric in the closets and chests. They were made and collected for the family by some woman. Family memories was etched in everything. When Sue opened one closet, she heared the sound of a hamonica, like it was telling the family is memories.

I think that she was inspired by this closet, connecting the past and the present, the family and her.
She started to try to make a huge net for covering the old house, and wraped all plates and cups in fabric. A lot of people; Sue, local residents and volunteers, took part in this project, telling about their own stories.
While knitting the net, they also enhanced their relationship. It was the restoration of a local community and the creation of a new volunteer community.

Now, the old house, covered by the net, is standing on the high land in Kou of Teshima, holding the family's memorilia. It is looking to the sea, beatiful and calm.
On the first encounter, I expected a double meaning, harmonica and harmony, from the title "harmonica". And that is what I found.

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